July 2011 Moms

I am kind of new at my job...

I was laid off from my previous position about a year ago and I started my current job at the end of March. Even though by the time baby comes, I will have been here well over a year, I still feel a bit guilty for some reason. I am well in the safe zone as far as FMLA and short-term disability leave is concerned. But I can't help but think it is a little too soon or that it looks "unprofessional." At the same time, I think that a few months later wouldn't make that big of a difference. For this reason I am a bit scared to tell my boss when the time comes, even though they are very nice here. Have you all been in your current positions for awhile?
DD: 1/8/12
DS: 3/12/14

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Re: I am kind of new at my job...

  • Same boat, but I'm newer (started here in early July, really cuttin in close!)

    I was laid off over a year ago from my previous job -- actually, 6 months to the day before my wedding.

    This is my advice: no job will take you into consideration when making changes for the company good or bad (we know first hand!). We should not base our life decisions on a job.

    If this is your time and you're ready, no need to feel the need to justify yourself to a job.

    Can you tell I'm not a career-minded woman?? hahaha

    xo, Heather

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I've been w/ my office job for over 2 years and my other job for a  year and a half (working two jobs sucks fyi! LOL). I am still nervous to tell my employers.

     Since my second job is a nanny Im pretty sure that once I deliver I will not be going back to wrok for them. I simply can NOT justify having someone watch my kid while I watch someone elses. Maybe if I liked the family I nanny for and the mother wasnt so nuerotic then I would consider taking my child to her house w/ me while I watch her boys (ages 15 & 12). But I feel that is not an option on my end because of the way she "expects" children to be raised (by someone else)

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  • I've been at mine for 7 years and I was still nervous to tell my boss!
  • imagesnickergirl:
    I've been at mine for 7 years and I was still nervous to tell my boss!

    OK, then I shouldn't feel so bad! :) I guess it is just normal for everyone to feel like this!

    DD: 1/8/12
    DS: 3/12/14

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Hunny, I started at my present company by concealing that I was 6 months pregnant at the interview and would be taking a 7 week maternity leave in 3 months. You're fine. :)
    Isaac Levi 4/26/09 : BFP#2 - MC 9w : Ezra John 6/26/11 : Miriam Joy 4/12/13 : Naomi Ann 9/2/14

  • I have been at my company for 5 years and I have only told my bosses sister (I travel by car a little so I needed someone to know in case of emergency) but I am nervous to tell my boss becuase we are currently expanding the company and I don't want them to think I am not up for the extra responsibilities.    
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  • I started full time with my job mid March, and I dont feel nervous at all.  But I have also been part time with them for 6 years...and used to go out boozing with my boss and co-workers weekly....
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  • When I got pregnant with my youngest son I had worked here for less than a year.  They didn't mind at all and were very happy for me!
    Mom to Alex - 8.29.06, Foster - 1.22.09, Emily - 6.24.11 imageimageLilypie First Birthday tickers
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