July 2011 Moms

Maternity finds!

I am traveling for work the first part of this week and we found this store called Ross, anyone hear of it? It reminds me of TJ Maxx or Marshalls but seemed much cheaper to me. I ended up with a sweater dress, a long sweater (that will also accommodate a bump), 3 maternity shirts and a pair of maternity jeans all for $76 - big score!! I am so lucky I was able to creatively pack to get everything back home in my little carry-on roller. Super fun!!!!!!
BFP 7/31/10 m/c 8/16/10
BFP 10/25/10 Brynn Helen born 7/7/11
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Re: Maternity finds!

  • We have a Ross here (I hadn't heard of it until moving here).  I'll have to check it out when the time comes for maternity clothes.

  • We have a Ross - I hate trying to sift through everything to find what I'm looking for though.  Maybe I'll have to give it another try :)
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  • We don't have a Ross here, but it sounds like I wish we did! That's a great deal!
    Married ~ DD 2004 ~ 2 2nd tri losses ~ DS 2011 5 weeks 1 day early ~ DD2 2012
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