Hey ladies, I just got a BFP on Sunday, my first ever. My husband and I are so excited and I am happy to be here, with all you ladies who are going through the same things. I am techincally about five weeks, almost seven weeks if I go by my LMP. Looking forward to getting to know you ladies!
Re: Introduction!
TTC#2 since 11.2012 * DS born 7.2011
Bump Unofficial Glossary
Mason James
July 23, 2011
Baby Girl Due June 9, 2015
BFP#1 11.2.10 | EDD 7.9.11 | HB 7w2d & 8w4d | missed M/C 11w2d | D&E 12.21.10
FSH at 14.5 - 4.21.11 | CCCT - (CD3 8.8,CD10 12.2)| dx w/ DOR @ 28 yrs old
IUI#1 + clomid 8.29.11 (our anniversary)
BFP#2 9.10.11 | EDD 5.21.12 | beta 1 @ 14dpi:232 | beta 2 @17dpi:703 | beta 3 @24dpi:7,174
Baby A HB of 142(7w), 161(8w), 164(9w) | Baby B no HB, Vanishing Twin