July 2011 Moms


I'm a dork...I'll admit it.  But I love the numbers 5, 4 together.  My birthday is May 4th, so I'm used to see 5-4.  I'm 5w4d today...just love that combination! 

Admit it - you agree with me - I'm a dork!  Big Smile  Will anyone have a day like that?  (Weeks 12 and under, birth days 6 and under)

Married my best friend ~ May 31, 2008
Adopted our furbaby Kona ~ January 17, 2010
Trying to grow our family ~ June 2010

1st BFP 7.6.10 ~ EDD 3.15.11 ~ mmc 8.6.10 ~ d&c 8.11.10
2nd BFP 11.4.10 ~ EDD 7.15.11 ~ HB 6w3d ~ No HB 7w ~ mmc 12.8.10 ~ d&c 12.9.10
3rd BFP 7.12.11 ~ EDD 3.22.12 ~ HB 6w5d 124 bpm ~ Team Green ~ 
4th BFP 6.20.13 ~ EDD 3.1.14 ~ HB 7w5d 153 bpm ~ A/S revealed due date possibly 2.23
*~*~*~*EXPECT MIRACLES*~*~*~*
Praying for peace in God's ultimate plan ~ "Be still and know that I am God." -Psalm 46:10

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Re: 5w4d

  • Possibly at 6w2d as that is our wedding anniversary date, now I know I'll be thinking that when I get to that point!
    Mason James 
    July 23, 2011

    Baby Girl Due June 9, 2015
  • This is going to sound like the weirdest thing, but my favorite number since I was little is 4, and my best friend's favorite number is 5 (We have been best friends since elementary school). So I have used the numbers 5 and 4 together A LOT throughout my life!! (like in my username for example, haha) Its so crazy to me to see someone else with those same two random favorite numbers :)  Congrats on being 5 wks 4 days!!
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