I had a check-up today and they found a stationery breast lump, the size of a quarter. I go in for an ultrasound of it Friday morning. If you have any t&p's to spare I could really use them.
I'm totally freaking out as my life's been just about as perfect as one could be... I've only told my bff and my mom. I don't really want to tell DH as he's working 12hr days this week and is really stressed...
Re: Need t&ps please
It's scary no matter what. ((HUGS))
i had to have a biopsy done after they found a suspicious spot during my last mammogram - it sucked with all the worry- but the actual procedure was painless.... and all was fine (my mom, aunt and grandmother are all survivors).
prayers that it's nothing. let us know how it goes. and tell your Dh -he needs to know... perhaps finding out will help his stress with work - make him realize that nothing matters that much at work - it's family/health that means the most ya know?
Sending lots of thoughts and prayers that it is nothing.
Also I agree with Goldie that you should tell your DH. In addition to what she said, it would probably be good for you to have the support from him while you wait for the results.
Thanks guys.. I'm having a really hard time with it... I just keep thinking of all the what if's.
I think I'm going to have to tell DH seeing as I seem to be spontaneously bursting into tears tonight, he should be home any minute.
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I hope that it turns out to be absolutely nothing.
T&Ps headed your way.