July 2011 Moms

Hello my name is Jekyll, or is it Hyde- long, but maybe funny?

Holy ***. Crazy pregnancy hormones? I'm a bit scared...Embarrassed

So I get home from work (I left on the early side b/c the douchecanoe who sits near me was coughing loudly, clearing his throat, and blowing his nose every.5.seconds and I was going to go postal), and I finally speak to my doctor  about the spotting I had and all is well. I'm in a good mood and relieved.Yes

Well we have our cleaning person coming tomorrow and I really wanted to pick up a couple things that I don't want her dealing with (e.g. putting stuff away in the kitchen & hanging clothes up).

Long story short, my H, god love him (insert sarcasm_______) has been buying the *** world on rue la la and gilt groupe the past few weeks (and my oh my some of this BEST be for me for Hanukkah) and he doesn't like putting *** away. Fact: I bought him socks and tshirts last weekend and they were still on top of the dresser. Clearly he thinks the socks, since they're for feet, can walk themselves into the drawer. Fact: He empties the pens out of his pants pockets. 11 pens were on our dresser. ELEVEN. WTF? Indifferent

AngryWell I went ape ***...(no one is home btw) and started throwing boxes and start piling all the stuff that he just throws around our bedroom for me to pick up. Now, I have discussed this with him, and he is very good about doing stuff when I ask, but for some reason, today, I just fricking lost it!!!! I am not sure I should tell him about my personal outburst...Part of me thinks I should because he could consider it a warning! Wink

Ok, I am better now, but holy hell, this was a bad bad bad hormone thing that happened...I'm not a big fan of it!!! I had no control to stop it!!

PS. I do love MH very much, just this little teeny itsy bitsy thing threw me over the edge Angel


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Re: Hello my name is Jekyll, or is it Hyde- long, but maybe funny?

  • That is awesome! I forwarned DH that I could possibly flip over something tiny and he better prepare himself Smile
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  • That's okay. I've done it. Almost did it the other night, but refrained because DH was home. he got home from the football game and was b!tching because the laundry wasn't done and how we have no respect for our house, etc. So he goes downstairs, throws a load of clothes in the wash. There was a basket of clean, unfolded towels on top of the dryer. He asks "are the towels clean?" I said "yes, they just need folded." and he goes upstairs and sits on his computer. So I go downstairs to throw something else in the laundry pile and see the dryer is at 0 time left and the towels are still there. So I grab everything, PO'd, and go up and start folding in the spare bedroom. I was LIVID. He could b!tch about how we aren't "on top" of things but he doesn't do a damn thing to help. So he comes in when I have like 4 hand towels left to fold (this is after folding the 2 sets of sheets from the dryer) and starts helping and I just said "Please do not help me right now." He got p!ssed then. I, apparently, ruined the night. He's lucky I didn't openly flip out on him. I was so mad that it's okay for him to complain constantly about what isn't getting done around the house, but he doesn't do anything to help get it done (knowing that I'm just exhausted at all times).
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  • Sounds like you need a nice bubble bath or something to relax. I would totally have left all that crap and told DH to pick it up when he got home - in my evil "or else" voice Big Smile
  • UGH my DH does this ALL the time...and he blames me for piling mail up on the dining room table...


    FYI hunny all your CRAP is spread out throughout the whole Frickin house!! I almost freaked out the other day when I realized he just puts his dishes on the counter instead of the sink or the dishwasher WTF?!?!?!?!

    Ugh Love him but seriously we have a 21 month old and I am exhausted...help your pregnant wife out!!!!

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