I have an appt in an hour and I am so worried. I know they won't be able to tell me much today, but I am still so nervous.
They are going to do the typical first appt stuff as well as an u/s for dating purposes. I have really weird cycles and have no idea when I o'ed. I don't expect to see a hb because I think I am around 5 weeks. (I got a bfp a week ago sunday)
We have had two losses this year (one and 18 week and one was at 5 weeks)
I am just really hopeful that I leave this appt feeling reassured!
Re: About to go in for my first appt and I am so nervous!
Take a deep breath! It should all work out just fine.
Stick lil' baby, stick!
Sending good thoughts your way. I am going to my first ultrasound in about an hour as well. They scheduled it in advance of my scheduled 8 week appointment due to some spotting that I had (also checked beta levels). Based on my O date I am about 5 weeks so I am not expecting to see much - except confirmation that it is real and maybe give me permission to breathe a little.
Good luck.
Good luck!!!