I usually don't read food post just because I have been so nauseas lately but I was actually able to eat lunch today! A veggie sushi roll with a side of steamed rice. It was pretty yummy!!!
I had a bagel. I ate a late breakfast - breakfast skillet - and it didn't sit right because I was so hungry that I didn't let the potatoes cook all the way.
I had a baked potato with greek yogurt. It was so good! I am about to have my mid afternoon snack now I am going to try some baby carrots and hummus. Hopefully the smell of the hummus doesn't overwhelm me.
Re: ~~WFL~~
I had refried beans and carrot sticks.
Not the best lunch, but it works.
We are going out to dinner tonight, so I'll try to eat something more balanced then.
lunch 1 was some tunafish salad
lunch 2 was a slice of cheese pizza
and i feel sick and full now.
I passed on cooked sushi today because my lunch was defrosting. I can't waste food!
Thai Style Chicken and Rice Noodles SmartOnes with Green Giants Green Beans. I want to go back and grab sushi now too.
TTC#2 since 11.2012 * DS born 7.2011