I did last pregnancy and they worked out well. They're simple stuff, drink at least 100oz water a day, take my vitamins every day, eat a salad at least once a day (even a small one for a snack) and exercise 3x a week.
Anyone else do something similar?
Re: Anyone set nutritional "goals" for themselves?
Right now I'm just trying to eat things that won't make me puke.
I did stock my pantry and fridge up with healthy snacks that I can keep down, such as salsa (it's made up of veggies!), baby carrots, 100% fruit snacks and popsicles.
I also am trying to do 1/2 hour of cardio every day (sometimes it's simply walking the dog), but that's only been 2-3x a week right now.
How are you doing with your goals? I like the idea of keeping the goals simple, so it's easier to meet them every day.
I'm a fairly clean eater in general... aside from my Oreo habit - but they are vegan.... I'm paying more attn to my protein (I only eat fish, no meat) and of course taking my PNV and drinking a glass a milk a day (which I something I usually do anyway)...
I had fallen off the exercise horse a bit back because of my knee, but I'm going to put in more effort to do more low impact cardio instead of the running I used to...
BFP#1 11.2.10 | EDD 7.9.11 | HB 7w2d & 8w4d | missed M/C 11w2d | D&E 12.21.10
FSH at 14.5 - 4.21.11 | CCCT - (CD3 8.8,CD10 12.2)| dx w/ DOR @ 28 yrs old
IUI#1 + clomid 8.29.11 (our anniversary)
BFP#2 9.10.11 | EDD 5.21.12 | beta 1 @ 14dpi:232 | beta 2 @17dpi:703 | beta 3 @24dpi:7,174
Baby A HB of 142(7w), 161(8w), 164(9w) | Baby B no HB, Vanishing Twin
I do well, for the most part. We have a salad bar at work which helps. Vitamins I have no problem with, as long as I remember them. I'm fortunate to not really get MS, but I am plagued with horrible cystic breakouts which are a dead giveaway.
The exercise is harder, but I usually go home and nap and then gym. Last pregnancy I lost all tone in my legs and this time I want to stay nice and strong all the way through. I'm aiming to fit into PP pant as long as possible
I tend to skip meals so my first one has been to have 3 solid meals a day. I have also added having at least 2 nutritional snacks and I must have some form of veggie or fruit during the day.
I try to get at least a cup of omega rich milk. I plan on adding the exercise after my first appointment. I have always loved drinking water, so I have just been keeping that up and making sure I drink at least 1 1/2 liter bottles a day(not including random cups of water I may drink)
~Declare it..Claim it..It will be!!~
Here We Go Again!!
This is me exactly!
So with you on this one....I had major goals set then my severe m/s and exhaustion kicked in...now it is what is least likely to make me sick...answer carbs and how long till I can go back to bed!!!
Yes, in no order:
64 oz of water per day (I hate water, so this is hard)
All necessary meds taken
A small salad daily (I love salad, so I'm doing really well!)
30 minutes of exercise a day (for as long as possible)
30 oz. of dairy a day (<------ this is the hard one)
I am usually pretty healthy, but I am having a hard time facing salads since I feel so sick a lot of the time and salads do not sound soothing. It was the same during 1st tri last time also. For now, I just try to drink my water and have 1 glass of milk or cereal at night for some extra calcium. I will definitely have a salad every day when I start to feel better. I am really not a junk food person so I haven't had a hard time staying away from that.
As for exercise, I am scared. During my last pregnancy I had hopes of being really active, but then the spotting started and didn't end until the middle of 2nd tri. I was told to put my feet up at night, not exercise.
So I am worried about that getting started all over again so I haven't gone out of my way to work out.