I don't want to sound all negative, but for the last 2 weeks I have felt awful, especially the last 2 days. I have nausea all day and I have almost no energy. To top it off, I came down with a cold and the coughing and phlegm (?) are making me throw up/dry heave. I am happy to be pregnant, but the symptoms are really kicking my butt. I just want to feel somewhat normal again.
Sorry to vent. I have to let it out somewhere or else my husband will come home to me sobbing. (Again.)
Re: Please tell me I'll feel normal again at some point...
I keep telling myself this can't last forever, and will be worth it in the end. This is super hard though. I feel like I could have written your post myself...
Luckily, I didn't have to work yesterday or today. I have no idea how I'll make it through tomorrow...
Just know you're not alone!
It won't last forever - I hope you feel better soon!
To make you feel better, I think it's just beginning for me lol. The past two days I've just been a little nauseous and dizzy but today is getting worse.
I also could have written your post
Missing work now and my boss is acting like I'm a slacker (he doesn't know). Makes me want to punch him in the face with these hormones.
Maybe tomorrow I'll go to work and throw up at his feet.
Pizza 24/7 is all I can eat right now. Everything else makes me gag. I want to be coma induced for the next few weeks until this subsides!
Ugh, sorry about your boss. I am lucky onthat front, I work for my dad and he knows so he's been understanding.
It's the nausea that's getting to me. All day. Everyday. Last night my husband was telling me how I have to eat more for the baby, and I broke down sobbing. I want to be doing the right things but when everything tastes awful or makes you sick it's hard to eat.
Oh how I can relate with this sooo much...I'm completely exhausted and nauseated all the time...I also woke up this morning with cold symptoms and have thrown up twice this morning I think it's being worse because of the phlegm! I'm so sorry you are feeling so bad, I'm with you I am thrilled to be pregnant but this is rough!
Hang in there...I'm sure even if it's after the baby is born we will feel normal again!
This this and this... *minus the off work part!
I keep telling myself "this is so worth it" but it's such a miserable experience. The days feel like forever because I'm trying to choke everything back.
You are not alone. I can't muster up any energy to do anything and I'm feeling awful for it. My poor son, he so badly wants to play and I try and try and then have to run to the bathroom. I didn't have any of this with him. I wish it was the other way around, sick with him and no kids vs. sick now with a little one at home. Then at least I can look away from the stack of clothes, the dishes in the sick, and the empty refrigerator. SUCKS!
I'm trying so hard to be positive and the only thing that gets me up in the morning is my son and the fact that I know I'm not alone!
totally this. I have NO energy to work.
Thank you everyone! It feels so good to know I'm not alone.