Hello mommies
I have a dog who is basically like our first kid the biggest baby ever ,and hes not small by any means prob like 70lbs my Question is how have yall dealt with your pets and kids or how are you planning on integrating them together .I by no means want the dog to be close to the baby what are some steps I could take now with him .Thanks
Re: pets
We don`t have any kids yet but I know the biggest challenge with my dog is going to be making sure he gets his exercise. He`s VERY high energy, so he needs to be walked, jogged, ran several times per day. I`m planning on enlisting the help of friends and family for that, plus getting one of those running strollers so I can get my butt back into shape when I`m ready too.
I know if he`s getting his exercise, he won`t be a problem at all in the house with the baby. Then again, he`s about a third the size of your dog!
This Nestie from the Pets board put together some great information in her bio.
I plan to buy the book Childproofing Your Dog in a few months.
About a month before DS was due, we took a Pet Prep class offered by our hospital. I wouldn't recommend it, but we had just done puppy training class so it was pretty much duplicate information. Def helpful for someone who hasn't done puppy training in awhile.
We also kept toys that were fluffy, bright colors, squeaky, etc down in a container from January to March so she could get used to everything and also to teach her to not bother with the baby's toys.
She's really done a great job with Carter and not once have I had any complaints. This is true for our cat who is just like a dog as well. We haven't had any problems with either of them. HTH.