July 2011 Moms

Pregnancy Diet?

Starting to feel really gross -

before i got pregnant i lost 20 pounds on Medifast but the minute i got BFP

i decided to not do the food to be safe. Now I feel like I am losing control and need to follow a diet. Anyone have any recommendations?




Re: Pregnancy Diet?

  • I wouldn't follow a  "diet" for weight loss, but I'd check out the American Diabetic Association's recommendation and use those as a guideline.  There are some links out there. I will see if I can find them for you.
    Married ~ DD 2004 ~ 2 2nd tri losses ~ DS 2011 5 weeks 1 day early ~ DD2 2012
  • My humble opinion, if starving Africans can have babies, then dieting (Aka eating better than you normally do) can't be THAT bad. Just don't do anything stupid like a super low carb ketogenic diet.
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  • Not from the ADA but here's a starting point. A lot of pregnancy books have some chapters on nutrition also.  Good luck! It's great that you want to avoid the junk food!


    Married ~ DD 2004 ~ 2 2nd tri losses ~ DS 2011 5 weeks 1 day early ~ DD2 2012
  • Wow, thanks guys for the support. HarmsMomma - I'm going to check this link out.  For the past two wks I have been off my diet but still trying to eat well. 
  • You should never restrict calories when you are pregnant. Your body and the developing baby need those nutrients for development and energy, not to mention that eating small portions all day long will help keep nausea at bay.

    Of course, don't pig out on junk food or eat "for two" but with pregnancy comes weight gain. That is a fact.

     Comparing someone on the bump to a pregnant mother in Africa is possible the craziest thing I have ever heard. I am shocked that someone actually had the nerve to say that. 

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  • imagex0stephanie:
    My humble opinion, if starving Africans can have babies, then dieting (Aka eating better than you normally do) can't be THAT bad. Just don't do anything stupid like a super low carb ketogenic diet.


    Seriously?  That first statement is offensive.

    OP- have you ever been on the spark people website?  Its a diet website, but I would go there and look at the recipes, they have some good well balanced recipes.  I would just substitute some of the low cal ingredients (i.e. skim milk) with 1 or 2% milk.  They also have message boards and I'm sure you can find other folks who are being careful with what they eat.  Make sure to get in your five servings of vegetables and fruit, drink lots of water, eat whole grains and avoid high fat meals.  I was in the midst of losing weight when I got pregnant and I am continuing my same diet but adding some extra calories, I focus on eating smaller meals throughout the day (which also helps with the nausea).  And I still go the gym.  Exercise is really important- don't pick up running now if you aren't a runner, but try to get in some non high impact exercise 4 times a week too.

    Good luck! 

  • I'm just trying to make sure I get a fruit and veggie at every meal. :) Don't worry about dieting/ calorie counting. Just listen to your body. A wise bumbie said "You wouldn't starve your baby on the outside, so don't starve it on the inside." (I can't remember who said this, but it totally stuck with me) Here's to enjoying every minute of our pgs! :)

  • diets are called diets for a reason- they aren't sustainable. You can still make healthy food choices -you have control over that.  I thought i was a beast yesterday, and all the ladies actually made me feel much better because although i ate a ton, they were all pretty decent food choices.  Good Luck
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  • imagex0stephanie:
    My humble opinion, if starving Africans can have babies, then dieting (Aka eating better than you normally do) can't be THAT bad. Just don't do anything stupid like a super low carb ketogenic diet.

    Hmm  Really?!!


    OP, there are some books out there that can offer you some pretty good advice on eating healthy while pregnant.  I know the What to Expect series makes one. It can help to give you a guideline to follow.  (Like eat X items from the high calcium list, X items from the protein list, ect).  While pregnant you need to make healthy choices and eat an amount of calories to maintain your current weight. 

    Please feel to ask if you have any particular questions.  

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  • imageShelleybell:
    diets are called diets for a reason- they aren't sustainable. You can still make healthy food choices -you have control over that.  I thought i was a beast yesterday, and all the ladies actually made me feel much better because although i ate a ton, they were all pretty decent food choices.  Good Luck

    a lifestyle change is more successful than a diet, and being that you'll be a parent soon and want to raise a healthy child, it may be time to start kicking the bad habits.   If you are concerned, maybe meet with a nutritionist and maybe get a trainer a gym just to get you on track so you have support and advice, then hopefully the new life you set for your self is something you can keep up with forever instead of just a few wks/months like a diet.

    the biggest thing to remember is there is nothing wrong with having a "bad" day or a slip up.  You want a slice a chocolate cake?  make sure it's modest and don't eat 3 in one day and 2 the next.  You have to allow yourself those indulgences - and no better excuse to now that you are pg ;)

    BFP#1 11.2.10 | EDD 7.9.11 | HB 7w2d & 8w4d | missed M/C 11w2d | D&E 12.21.10
    FSH at 14.5 - 4.21.11 | CCCT - (CD3 8.8,CD10 12.2)| dx w/ DOR @ 28 yrs old
    IUI#1 + clomid 8.29.11 (our anniversary)
    BFP#2 9.10.11 | EDD 5.21.12 | beta 1 @ 14dpi:232 | beta 2 @17dpi:703 | beta 3 @24dpi:7,174
    Baby A HB of 142(7w), 161(8w), 164(9w) | Baby B no HB, Vanishing Twin
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  • Most people read "diet" as "way to lose weight" when technically diet just means "the way you eat". So I'm not reading this as though you want to lose weight, per se, but definitely maintain and eat properly, right?

    I am re-reading a book called 'Real Food for Mother and Baby" by Nina Plank. It's excellent and it covers a healthy way of eating from fertility to breastfeeding. I highly recommend it, and I am going to follow that guideline.

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  • imagex0stephanie:
    My humble opinion, if starving Africans can have babies, then dieting (Aka eating better than you normally do) can't be THAT bad. Just don't do anything stupid like a super low carb ketogenic diet.

    Hate to disagree here but...you've got to be kidding me on this statement. 

    OP: Listen to your body, period.

    Talk to your doctor, maybe see a nutritionist so they can put you on a plan if you're really concerned.

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  • I plan on talking to my doctor because I'm concerned that I'm not eating enough, but since I'm on restricted activity I don't want to be eating too much either.  My one baby book said I should be eating 6 servings of bread/pasta/rice a day....I'd blow up like blimp if I did that, not to mention the thought makes me want to throw up.

    2 years, 2 surgeries, 2 clomid fails, 2 IUIs, 1 loss, IVF #1 - 10/25/10 = BFP!, DS is now 3.5yrs!
    TTC #2 - 6/12 surgery #3, FET #1 & 1.2 = BFN, 12/2012 FET #2 = BFP! DD is 1.5 yrs!
    Surprise! 12/16/14 BFP, loss #2 12/31/14

    I can't wait for the "im getting a divorce" post in 5 years or so because your husbands were fed up with your disgusting chair asses from playing on the knot all day and getting fired 4-5 times for not doing any work. you guys are all winners!! ~ Laur929

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