First off, congratulations!!! You are so lucky, and July is a great month!!
Second, I wanted to see how many girls had sex every other day as opposed to every day on the cycle you got your BFP. I will probably ovulate this weekend, so I wanted to see what your opinions were on this topic.
Thanks for your help! I hope to join everyone on the 1st tri soon!
Re: TTGP poster...just have a quick question
Hey Mel,
DH and I had sex on CD12 and CD13 both PM and I either O'd on CD13 or 14.
Good luck this cycle!
Best Wishes to my labor buddy FunNSunAZ!
"Well I've waited so long, so long, so long For someone like you And as this morning breaks through the window pane It reveals the truth Baby, you're my sunshine, first light Find your way to places that only know lies Failed tries and bruised skies With hardly time to hold on or be strong, now I'm strong 'Cos like the dawn you push it all away I tell ya, you're my sunshine
Everybody needs a little sunshine"
Steve Azar "Sunshine"
This month, DH and I had sex two days before O day (my best guess at O day since I started taking provera that week in an attempt to get AF to come, since my RE told me that I had no viable eggs). That was the only time we had sex in a 2 week stretch.
It is said that if there aren't any sperm issues, you can go everyday. If there are sperm issues, EOD is best. But really, both of them can work assuming there aren't any fertility issues. Good luck!
BFP #3 via cancelled IUI ~ C (2lb 3oz; HELLP) 5/16/11
BFP #4 via the natural (free!) way ~ E (8lb 11oz) 9/13/12
My ovulation is like clockwork so we did it 1 day before and 2 days after...I kept the swimmers in for as long as can raise your bum with a pillow or do the're likely going to fell like a fool doing the candle thing but it's worked twice on the first go around and we've been married for 7 years...
Good Luck TTGP!
I recognize you from TTGP. I had sex 3 days before O, 1 days before O, and the big O day. (I'm sure there was a more efficient way to write that out, but I'm exhausted and I think I left my brain at work.) I hope that helps!
Edit: I double checked FF and got the wrong days. They are correct now.
Susan & Mark ... Married June 14, 2008 ... Chicago Area
James Tomasz born 1-5-10
Grace Dorothy born 7-13-11
PROJECT BALANCING ACT: BIO and BLOG- yeah... needs to be updated.
The Sand in My Snow Boots
DD born 07/2011 DD due 11/18/2013
I Oed on CD 14
We had sex on Day 10, 12, 13, and twice on 14.
We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)

I Oed late on CD18, but we did the BD for three days before, twice on, and once the day after.
Good luck to you!
We had sex the 3 days leading up to O-day, but not on actual O-day.
In my opinion, more is better, unless your hubs has a low sperm count. Good luck!!!
Previous months I would freak out adn when I got a + OPK DH and I would have sex ED for 3 days and then we would be worn out and not do it for 3 days. This month since I wasn't charting I told him we would just do it EOD. I think we were missing our most fertile day and we caught it this time since we didn't stop having sex after I thought I O.
HTH = )
Adopted our furbaby Kona ~ January 17, 2010
Trying to grow our family ~ June 2010
1st BFP 7.6.10 ~ EDD 3.15.11 ~ mmc 8.6.10 ~ d&c 8.11.10
2nd BFP 11.4.10 ~ EDD 7.15.11 ~ HB 6w3d ~ No HB 7w ~ mmc 12.8.10 ~ d&c 12.9.10
3rd BFP 7.12.11 ~ EDD 3.22.12 ~ HB 6w5d 124 bpm ~ Team Green ~ SHE STUCK!
*~*~*~*EXPECT MIRACLES*~*~*~*
Praying for peace in God's ultimate plan ~ "Be still and know that I am God." -Psalm 46:10
~Declare it..Claim it..It will be!!~
Here We Go Again!!
Every second day around when I know I would O. This is going to sound stupid, but I also propped my butt up in the air for half an hour after each time- gravity can't hurt, right?!
Hi Mel, I recognize you from TTGP!
We had sex 5, 3 and 1 day before O. There's a link to my chart in my siggy if you'd like to check it out! Good luck to you!
Here's my chart -
We had sex as soon as I had EWCM up until the day I O'd (I O'd a day late this cycle so we thought it was the day after ovulation).. so yeah, 6 days in a row
We did the same the cycle I got pregnant with my son