July 2011 Moms

Follow up re my spotting from this weekend

I posted the other day that I had some brown spotting on Friday night and early Saturday morning.  The spotting stopped since then but I had some cramps and this morning it turned into sharp pain in my lower left abdomen.  My OB's office told me to come in this afternoon to help me ease my mind.  They drew some blood to check my levels but they also did an u/s and let us hear the heartbeat!  Baby is fine and measuring at 6wks4d, a day later than what I initially thought  Big Smile

When we did the u/s, the tech told me that I have a cyst on my lower left ovary so that is why I am experiencing some pain down there.  The doctor told me not to worry since it's very common and that it will eventually go away later in PG.  I am on pelvic rest for the rest of 1st Tri since the doctor wants to be super conservative.  That means no sex or exercise.  I can live w/o exercise, but boo on lack of sex when my hormones are raging.  It's all good, I won't complain as long as baby is safe and continues to grow. 

For those who have experienced spotting, or some cramping or even sharp pain, please stay positive.  I am thinking of you and hope your story is like mine and you hear the heartbeat very soon!

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