So I went for my first ultrasound. I waited a half an hour, they called, me up to verify my information and said they can't do the ultrasound because my referral ran out. SERIOUSLY!!!
I can either 1) pay 250.00 for the ultrasound (which I do not have) or 2) go back to my primary care physician (whom I've seen all of one time - for my original ob referral), and sit in the waiting room with infectious people for 4 hours because he is at an urgent care and they don't take appointments, get a new referral, wait for the referral to go through, which take 1-3 weeks with them (they don't do it immediately) and then wait for an available appointment with my ob (by this time it will be too late for me to get the Nuchal Translucency test.
I was so mad I wanted to break something. Don't you think they could have told me two days ago when they called to verify my appointment that my referral ran out?
I called my PC and told them that I need them to fax an extension of my referral asap as I have an appointment that I can't miss. We'll see if they let me do this. If not, I will find a NEW PC who will expedite this process. I mean hello, Im a high risk pregnancy and I'm supposed to be low stress, you think the folks that are in charge of my care would be the last people to be stressing me out!!! *sigh* I'm so pissed.
Re: FirstUltrasound... NOT!
The Sand in My Snow Boots
Seriously!?!?!?! That's redonk!! I'd def. find a new PCP, and I'd complain to the office manager of the u/s office. I hope everything works out for you!!