So yes, we all LOVE LOVE LOVE our DH's and they are all supportive and going through some of the motions with us.
However ---- I'm pretty sure that they do some things where we'd like to hit them over the head with a frying pan.
So what has your DH been doing (since pregnancy, or shoot, beforehand if you want) that is driving you up a wall???
Re: Any DH annoyances?
Okay, I'll preface this with... this is so stupid. But! It still caused an argument on Saturday night....
He asks me how my day was, but not how I am. I'm dying to update him all the time about my crappy pregnancy symptoms, but I'm tired of having to volunteer them and I don't consider them to be part of how my day was. He claims he asks me how I am, but I know he asks me how my day was instead and only considers that the same as asking how I am. I don't.
Ah, semantics.
He now asks me how I am. lol.
Susan & Mark ... Married June 14, 2008 ... Chicago Area
James Tomasz born 1-5-10
Grace Dorothy born 7-13-11
PROJECT BALANCING ACT: BIO and BLOG- yeah... needs to be updated.
The thing that has been driving me up a wall about DH is every time I come out of the bathroom "Is everything okay?" because I don't have a cheery look on my face. Or "are you okay?" when I'm in there dry heaving. I can't take a step or have a sideways look on my phase without getting the "are you okay?" question.
And if I say something like "honey, please don't ask me every time I come out of the bathroom. If things are bad, I will tell you." His response will be, "FINE! I'll just stop caring and worrying about my wife and making sure everything is going good." I pee, what?, 30x a day? He woke up 2x last night to ask if I was "okay" and I about pounced on him in the bed and said "SHUT UP!"
we are in the middle of moving. (we rent and moved to a much larger house to rent). We got the keys 11/1 and need to be out of our current place 12/1. DH is a huge hunter and has done jack for packing/moving. Meanwhile I have been taking trips over when i can on weekends or at night (he has school 2 nights a week). We got in a HUGE fight saturday and sunday. Sunday is the only weekend day that he was going to be able to move the big stuff before 12/1. What does he do saturday- well he went hunting until 7 pm. I was FUMING!!!
Then of course he started pulling the whole "you're hormonal and getting upset about nothing" which pi$$ed me off even more. We're fine today, but this past weekend was HORRIBLE!!!
Sorry - you're right in this... those are two separate questions.
Me too. I feel like I have to force DH into talking about the pg/LO. He doesn't just openly ask about it and it drives me crazy. I just wish he was more "excited" about it like I am!
Tyler is going to be a big brother!
I know this isn't really the topic BUT, DH has changed since I got my BFP. He starts talking about our plans with the baby, he is eager to go to my appointments with me and even volunteered to go baby browsing the other night after dinner. This is the man that had ZERO input when it came to our wedding, but now he's all interested? Seriously, I'm not complaining but, it's just so weird.
I do have to say though his obsessiveness with the new Call of Duty is driving me nuts since it means he comes to bed at 4am, which wakes me up which means I then have to pee.
Sigh - my sweet DH is so excited about this pregnancy. He's always asking about what I'm feeling/thinking, and analyzing everything. The other night I was laying on my stomach and he notices these little tiny marks on my upper/back hip area that must have been from a growth spurt as a teen. I've never noticed these little marks before. He says...
DH: Aww, how cute, you have little stretch marks already. aww, you're so pregnant!
Me: What?!? What do you mean I have stretch marks?!? Where? There is no freaking way I have stretch marks already, esp since I haven't gained a pound!
DH: Oh, um, nevermind
PGAL/PAL welcome

BFP #2 9.12.12, EDD 5.24.13, Baby Boy Born 5.15.13!!
My Ovulation Chart
3 Clomid (100mg) cycles + TI + Trigger = BFN's, Femara + Trigger + IUI#1 = BFN
Femara + Trigger + IUI#2 = BFP!
"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." ~Gandhi
DH downplays how "pregnant" I am. I really try not to play up my symptoms, or exaggerate. But DH says "oh you're only like 4 days pregnant" (not when I'm hurting or nauseated or anything like that) but when we are just discussing things and the baby timeline. He said it in front of my mom the other day and she just giggled. And I flew off the handle and told him that being 7 weeks pregnant is a milestone for me. Every week is a milestone. And he probably just thought I was "hormonal." Because everything is me "being hormonal."
It could be worse. He's just a joker...but I still get flustered.
I'd seriously like to put a high heel through the xBox right now and if this man thinks he is still getting a Kinect for Christmas .... he has another thing coming!
He doesn't do the laundry or clean anything. All I ask is that he does the dishes (we have a d/w so it's load then unload), do you think he did while I was gone today and he was home? NO! He played Halo Reach and Call of Duty. AAAAAAHHHHHHH
Okay, vent over, and I feel better now.
Do our DH's just get together and blame it all on hormones???!!! Ugh! haha. DH said "well I'd rather that be the explanation." And I said "I'd rather you just apologize
AMEN! I feel your pain.
You should keep telling him what you're "creating" that day or week. Like for instance, I'm so tired today - it's hard work creating someones brain (or insert organ here). Haha, that seems to help my DH realize why I'm laying on the couch not doing anything.
PGAL/PAL welcome

BFP #2 9.12.12, EDD 5.24.13, Baby Boy Born 5.15.13!!
My Ovulation Chart
3 Clomid (100mg) cycles + TI + Trigger = BFN's, Femara + Trigger + IUI#1 = BFN
Femara + Trigger + IUI#2 = BFP!
"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." ~Gandhi
Bless your heart for moving during hunting season, I'd be pulling my hair out if I were in your situation. Luckily DH isn't a big hunter, but everyone else is around here and the town pretty much stops for the month of November.
My annoyance is that DH left his socks on the couch from last night and just finally picked them up after asking him to do it twice. Just pick the darn things up!!
The Sand in My Snow Boots
He is super interested in what size the baby is and what is developing and growing...I think he just likes to get under my skin. Might even be a hobby of his
hehe. jk. No really he has been wonderful, supportive, and all that. But man! 7 weeks is halfway through trimester numero uno and I think all us bumpies deserve a cookie for baby-growing. 
LOL-----If there were one piece of technology I'd want to never have been invented, it's the video game console. It should've peaked at the regular Nintendo.
This, kind of...he WILL talk about if I bring it up, but he hasn't been OVERLY chatty about it on his own, which has been bugging me a little. I think it is for all of the reasons you mention. He is happy, but it hasn't sunk in quite yet. I do understand it is probably harder for him "to get" at this point, so I am cutting him some slack.
haha! This exact conversation took place in our house yesterday! I was standing in front of the mirror, examining my baby bloat, when he came up and said: "Aw, look at the baby belly. And look, now we have matching stretch marks."
I do love this man but really?! I don't care if I look like a zebra come 40 weeks, he had better not mention any stripes ever again.
I know exactly what you mean. I sleep great... until I'm woken up and immediately have to pee. Then it takes forever for me to fall asleep again. I'm trying to be patient with this one! But, argh!
Susan & Mark ... Married June 14, 2008 ... Chicago Area
James Tomasz born 1-5-10
Grace Dorothy born 7-13-11
PROJECT BALANCING ACT: BIO and BLOG- yeah... needs to be updated.
Oh my gosh this was so funny. I literally laughed out loud.
No way!!!!! That is so crazy! I thought my DH would be the only one naive enough to bring that up! Like we don't have enough going on in our heads about our crazy changing bodies - we don't need you to point out things we long forgot about!
"""I don't care if I look like a zebra come 40 weeks, he had better not mention any stripes ever again."""" I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS. DITTO!
PGAL/PAL welcome

BFP #2 9.12.12, EDD 5.24.13, Baby Boy Born 5.15.13!!
My Ovulation Chart
3 Clomid (100mg) cycles + TI + Trigger = BFN's, Femara + Trigger + IUI#1 = BFN
Femara + Trigger + IUI#2 = BFP!
"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." ~Gandhi
It always amazes me how close things can get to a trash can or recycle bin... without actually going into the container...