July 2011 Moms

First u/s today..

Well, I had my first u/s today and it was.. emotional. I got to see the sac but, the embryo wasn't there. My Dr. told me that I'm either not as far along as I though or.. she dropped the dreaded M word. I about fell on the floor. According to what my tech said, my due date should be around the 19th so, it's a good possibility that MY calculations are off.  But my Dr. was just so abrupt and out there about a m/c that, it seriously has me scared. DH is super pissed that she would just jump to a conclusion like that only being about a week off in the math. So, just to make sure everything is progressing correctly she sent me for my first beta today and go Wednesday for my second round. I'll be getting those results on Friday and go back Monday for another u/s.  I had to call off because every time I think about the appointment, I start bawling. :sigh: Here's to ANOTHER week of blood work, worrying and stress. Crying

Re: First u/s today..

  • Oh no. I'm sorry you have another scary week ahead of you! Hopefully your calculations are just a little behind. Keep us posted! Ts&Ps your way!
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  • Good luck in the next week, you know we'll all be thinking about you and you'll be in our T&P's! 
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  • Hugs. I can understand how hard it is to hear the doctor be so blunt. But honestly, that's what she needed to do. Down the road, you'll thank her for saying "It's either you're not as far along as you thought or it's a m/c."

    I say this from previous experience. This past Feb. we went to a high-risk u/s because my spina bfida test was slightly off. During this appt (I was 16wks) we got to see the baby and everything looked fine. The high-risk doctor came in and told us that there was no fluid. She didn't beat around the bush. She just said "there is no fluid around the baby. Do you understand what I'm saying?" It was a yes/no answer on our part.  She needed to be upfront and professional with us and she was. We were devasted, but were happy to have had someone that was honest, yet sincere, about the decisions we now faced. It is tough to hear up front, and trust me it is tough, but in the end - you'd rather have someone professional who is telling you what could be (even with options A and B) than someone that just says "Oh, you may not be as far along... la de da..." and then the following week you find out that things aren't going the right way.

    My fingers are crossed that this all works out for you and it is that you just aren't as far along as you anticipated.


    BabyFruit Ticker

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  • I can't believe they would even hint at m/c if you're only a week off!!! Talk about scary!  If it makes you feel better I was a week off on my calculations, too and I was very unsettled by it so I know the feeling.  But keep in mind that exact conception and pregnancy is a tricky thing to calculate so my guess is that there's nothing to worry about!!!

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  • Please keep us posted. Think positively. I really hope your betas double.

    GL and  T&P 

  • Hang in there, I'm thinking of you.  Try not to stress out, and be positive that you are off on your dates!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • {{hugs}} I hope everything is ok, and you get great news from your betas, and are able to relax a little bit.  Keep us posted.

  • I'm sorry you have to go through the week with not knowing exactly what's going on.  Try not to stress too much and take it day by day.  Keep us posted on what's going on.  
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  • Oh hunny, I'm so sorry that it didn't go as well as hoped! Know that we're all here for you!

    What's your relation with your OB? I'm a frank and to the point girl, but that would be really hard for me to handle as well!

    Isaac Levi 4/26/09 : BFP#2 - MC 9w : Ezra John 6/26/11 : Miriam Joy 4/12/13 : Naomi Ann 9/2/14

  • I'm sorry your appointment didn't go well.  4 weeks is really early to see anything on an ultrasound - hopefully your calculations are just a bit off.  T&P.
    Saving money while raising more kids than you bargained for! Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Sorry about your rough appointment! Just stay positive that things will be okay. Sending good vibes and prayers your way. ((hugs))
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  • That was really insensitive of your doctor :( I'm so, so sorry.  Lots of hugs and good thoughts for you!  I hope that your betas come back high!!
  • Very scary. I hope you get some answers soon. Meanwhile, try to hang in there. Keep us updated.
  • I am sorry that it wasn't as joyful as you had hoped, stay positive and don't give it any energy until you are 100%.


    Mother to beautiful 7 year old son, and little girl born in July Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thank you ladies! I did change my ticker to my new due date so, that's why it's showing 5 weeks, I thought I was going to be 6 tomorrow. Going for my second beta's tomorrow and then the wait is on until Friday for the results. I've really been thinking about this and I honestly think my math was just off. With my new due date I was given I used trusty old Google and did some research and the conceive date meshes better with the new due date, not the old. So, still on edge but, feeling more confident. I'll make sure I update everyone after I make the phone call Friday morning.
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