July 2011 Moms

Craving cookie dough like no one's business...

I got an email today from the MIL and we do an annual Christmas Cookie baking day (we're talking 10+ hours and 10 different kinds of cookies ). My favorite part is eating the cookie dough. This year I can't have any. It's going to be pure torture watching everyone else eat it...

Now all I can think of is how bad I'm craving sugar cookie dough. 

Anyone else craving something you can't have??? 


Tyler is going to be a big brother!

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Re: Craving cookie dough like no one's business...

  • I was just going to say, no biggie, get prepackaged . . . but oy vey! You've got yourself a predicament. :(
    Isaac Levi 4/26/09 : BFP#2 - MC 9w : Ezra John 6/26/11 : Miriam Joy 4/12/13 : Naomi Ann 9/2/14

  • Sugar cookie dough now...THANKS!!!! LOL
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  • I have to make cookies for my DH this week.  I usually just end up licking the spoon or beaters.  I wasn't even thinking about not being about to do that until now!  I don't think I'll miss it that much but trying to remember not to do it sounds like it could be tough. I'm already forgetting a lot a things! 
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  • You can make it with pasteurized eggs. You can buy pasteurized eggs at the grocery store or do it yourself: https://www.christonium.com/culinaryreview/How_To_Make_Pasteurized_Eggs_Cooking_With_Raw_Eggs

    All "egg products" in the US have to be pasteurized, so EggBeaters and other cartoned eggs will work too.



    Baby Boy #1: 7.7.11

    Baby Boy #2: 5.6.13

    Baby Boy #3: edd 4.25.15

  • I was craving Wood Chuck Hard Cider and I have the amber ones in my fridge. I watched the bestie down 2 last night! Booo but it's so worth it!!!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • I read that you can't consume raw eggs in pg, even if they are pasteurized...

    Tyler is going to be a big brother!

    BabyFruit Ticker
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

  • Hmm... I read differently. Check out What to Expect: https://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/eating-well/week-13/not-to-eat.aspx


    Baby Boy #1: 7.7.11

    Baby Boy #2: 5.6.13

    Baby Boy #3: edd 4.25.15

  • actually i had a very unusual (for me) craving that i could... and did... have!  for some reason, even though i was nauseaous all morning, all i could think about was a Wendy's cheeseburger and fries!  oh the satisfaction when lunchtime finally came around and i could sink my teeth into it! 

    i have IBS and fast food usually upsets my insides but BOY WAS THAT GOOD! :)

    image TTA/TTCAL buddies with the great Fab Five (soon to be FFF): Fallon621, Theresa85, lavril, & lauren.cus! purple flower: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • Mmmm.. cookie dough!!!
  • Y'alls baking day sounds like so much fun!!!  I miss cookie dough too.  Also, I absolutely LOVE raw brownie batter...almost more than the actual brownies cooked.  I miss sushi too Sad  (but it's sooooooo worth it!)
  • Just use pasteurized eggs.  Lots of grocery stores sell them.  Then you can eat the raw dough!
    Born at 31w3d due to severe IUGR & Placental Insufficiency--2lbs 3ounces

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    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

  • ugh me to it seems like everytime i see something on here that someone else is craving im like mmm that does sound friggan awsome
    Trying To Conceive Since October 2010 October 2010 BFP :) -> November 2010 M/C @ 7weeks Clomid Cycle #1 July 2011 = BFN Clomid Cycle #2 September 2011 = BFN Clomid Cycle #3 November 2011 = BFN Letrazole Cycle #1 = January 2012 = BFN HSG February 2012- Growths in uterus both tubes open D&C March 2012- Remove Polyps SURPRISE BFP-August 15 2012 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
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