So we moved this weekend. It sucked.
HOWEVER, when I called the doctor's office on Friday to make the first appointment, I specifically asked what I should and shouldn't do while moving. They basically said I'm fine, just don't try moving a couch or anything ridiculous like. (which I wasn't going to whether I was preggers or not! )
Man, moving is a lot better when the people around you think that you shouldn't be doing ANYTHING!!! Don't get me wrong, I did my share, but it was no where near the work I put in last time we moved.
I think i could get used to this whole pregnant thing....
Anyone else gotten out of anything yet??
Re: The 1st perk to being KU'd
Taking the laundry up and down the stairs. My hubs says he is worried my normally clumsy self will only get worse with being KU and he isnt taking and chances. It's kinda cute.
Oh and its now the mans duty to do the trash 100% of the time.
I haven't yet, but we're right in the middle of building our own house (and doing the work ourselves) so I'm sure I'll be getting out of quite a bit! Some things I'm a little disappointed about, but I'm sure I'll get over it. Haven't talked to the Dr. yet to find our exactly what things I should be sure to avoid or what things will be ok.
But I'm with you....I could get used to it
And I got out of raking the yard this weekend
Oooh I didn't even think of this!! Awesome.
We listed our house in July, hoping we'd be moved into a new place before I got PG... no takers yet and we're sick of lowering the price, but we may have some renters lined up which means we could be out of here by Christmas. We've helped 3 friends move in the past year so I know we could get everything out of this tiny house in a few hours. I'm super anal when it comes to organizing and finding places for everything, so I'll do all of the unpacking.
Cleaning the cat box is no longer a chore of fact DH believes I can't even touch the cat litter box to purchase it off the shelf at the store so I don't even have to buy it:)
Oh and cleaning out leftovers from our fridge...big trigger for m/s so DH is doing that as I type this now:)
And yes of course no shoveling snow for me!!!:)