And I am freaking out! They were so sweet at My Dr. because they usually don't see people at 4 weeks, but she said since it is my first and next week is Thanksgiving she said I should go ahead and come in. I am SO excited. DH is coming with me because I know I will be a basket case. This is just all so surreal. I was supposed to be calling my Dr. this week to start my clomid, but I actually got to call and say "I am pregnant."
I just have to add this because it ie FREAKY! I wrote 2 weeks ago on TTGP how this teacher at my school called me out and said she had had a dream about me that I was pregnant. The freakiest part is I am not the first person she has predicted. She had dreams about 2 other teachers at my school and they were pregnant or became pregnant right after she had her dreams. {twilight zone music playing in the background}
I will update Friday after my appointment = )
Re: First Appointment Friday!
Yay! Do you know what they are going to do at the appointment? Just to confirm pregnancy or do you get an ultrasound?
I wonder if the teacher can predict the sex of the baby....
So happy for you!
I would ask about the appointment too, just in case you have your hopes up for an ultrasound.
Crazy about the prediction! I have a friend who's 11 for 11 on guessing the sex right!
Good luck at the dr rxy!
Yay for a quick appt! That's an awesome doctor's office and it's so sweet that DH is going with you
That is great you get to go in so early! I hope they do an ultrasound for you!
Are you going to let her know that she was right??
I had 3 students ask if I was pregnant at 11dpo but I didn't know yet. (college students) I wont reveal it till next semester but they will be like "I knew it!!"
I don't go to my OB till Dec 2nd but that is still fairly early for the first appt.
Can't wait for your update!