Well, we went to Mt. Fuji this past weekend and sadly, it was pretty much a bust. The weather was bad and totally overcast, so seeing Mt. Fuji was a no go. I was counting on getting a good Christmas card photo too. I'm glad we went and could see other things though. I just don't think I'm cut out for doing these weekend trips that are JAMMED pack with walking and walking and more walking. I think it would've been hard even if I weren't pregnant. I like the Saturdays when I can nap while DS naps!
::Ok, rant over::
During the day today (Monday), I played catch up on TB. Luckily, not much happens on the weekends, so I don't think I missed out on too much. I'm glad to be back. Hope everyone has a great monday!!
Re: Mt. Fuji was a bust!
Nope, we can't go back. DH works during the week and I'm not about to make that hike of a trip myself with DS. Plus, it's expensive to take the bullet train. And I'll still be in my 1st tri until the first of January.
Yeah, we actually live just south of AA in Milan, but we like where we are and we frequent places in AA all the time. Is your DH in the service? Why are you traveling to such places?
That sucks that Mt. Fuji was a bust, I was hoping to see some amazing pictures of it! You're such a trooper for hiking that though. When are you guys coming back to MI? There's a bunch of MI Bumpies, we should do a GTG.