July 2011 Moms

Mt. Fuji was a bust!

Well, we went to Mt. Fuji this past weekend and sadly, it was pretty much a bust. The weather was bad and totally overcast, so seeing Mt. Fuji was a no go.  :(  I was counting on getting a good Christmas card photo too. I'm glad we went and could see other things though.  I just don't think I'm cut out for doing these weekend trips that are JAMMED pack with walking and walking and more walking.  I think it would've been hard even if I weren't pregnant.  I like the Saturdays when I can nap while DS naps!  

::Ok, rant over:: 

During the day today (Monday), I played catch up on TB.  Luckily, not much happens on the weekends, so I don't think I missed out on too much.  I'm glad to be back.  :)  Hope everyone has a great monday!! 

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