Hello Ladies! This is my introduction, I look forward to getting to know all of you and I'm sure we all can't wait until July! DH and I are expecting our first baby July 17 of next year, we got our BFP on November 11th! I am 5 weeks today, and so far I haven't had any symptoms other that back aches! Are there any other ladies at 5 weeks? What are you ladies experiencing? I can't wait to hear from you all! Happy and Healthy pregnancies to all!

H: 31 Me: 29
DD: 7/11
DS: 9/13
Lily Puppy: 9/18
TTC #3
Re: Intro and 5 Weeks!!!
Yay! We share a due date!
The cramping has largely subsided, and the sore boobs only tend to be in the evenings and early mornings. I'm enjoying this easy time. Morning sickness may hit in a few short weeks for me, so I'm living this up.
Susan & Mark ... Married June 14, 2008 ... Chicago Area
James Tomasz born 1-5-10
Grace Dorothy born 7-13-11
PROJECT BALANCING ACT: BIO and BLOG- yeah... needs to be updated.
Congrats and welcome!
I am 7 weeks tomorrow and morning sickness struck very suddenly two days ago. Before that, sore boobs, thirst and exhaustion was all I was feeling.
Happy and healthy nine months to you!
Adopted our furbaby Kona ~ January 17, 2010
Trying to grow our family ~ June 2010
1st BFP 7.6.10 ~ EDD 3.15.11 ~ mmc 8.6.10 ~ d&c 8.11.10
2nd BFP 11.4.10 ~ EDD 7.15.11 ~ HB 6w3d ~ No HB 7w ~ mmc 12.8.10 ~ d&c 12.9.10
3rd BFP 7.12.11 ~ EDD 3.22.12 ~ HB 6w5d 124 bpm ~ Team Green ~ SHE STUCK!
*~*~*~*EXPECT MIRACLES*~*~*~*
Praying for peace in God's ultimate plan ~ "Be still and know that I am God." -Psalm 46:10
My first appointment is wed. the 17th! I am so anxious/ nervous! I am also experiencing the minor cramps, buy I haven't had any nausea or anything like that yet, so I am enjoying these easy days!
H: 31 Me: 29
DD: 7/11
DS: 9/13
Lily Puppy: 9/18
TTC #3
H: 31 Me: 29
DD: 7/11
DS: 9/13
Lily Puppy: 9/18
TTC #3