I was thinking of us when I was writing today's blog post. Like, what kept me comfy during my pregnancy that I'd like you to know about? (Edit: I just added in #7, because I forgot it until tonight. Bra extenders!)
I'm not announcing my pregnancy on the blog until my family knows about (months away, ugh). But I can still do posts like this, with only us knowing why.
I'm going to write about recovery soon, too. And if it helps, here's a link to my birth story.
Re: Sharing a blog post (link)
Thanks for sharing! I really like your ziplock idea. I haven't had m/s yet, but I'm worried it will hit me suddenly and I won't have a plan in place. I will buy some next time I'm out just in case.
PGAL/PAL welcome

BFP #2 9.12.12, EDD 5.24.13, Baby Boy Born 5.15.13!!
My Ovulation Chart
3 Clomid (100mg) cycles + TI + Trigger = BFN's, Femara + Trigger + IUI#1 = BFN
Femara + Trigger + IUI#2 = BFP!
"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." ~Gandhi
Susan & Mark ... Married June 14, 2008 ... Chicago Area
James Tomasz born 1-5-10
Grace Dorothy born 7-13-11
PROJECT BALANCING ACT: BIO and BLOG- yeah... needs to be updated.
Yikes I can't delete it -- it has not shown up yet -- hopefully you can get rid of it if you don't want it there before it shows up!
So sorry, can I blame this on morning sickness too?
Ha, I think I played it off okay. No biggie!
Susan & Mark ... Married June 14, 2008 ... Chicago Area
James Tomasz born 1-5-10
Grace Dorothy born 7-13-11
PROJECT BALANCING ACT: BIO and BLOG- yeah... needs to be updated.
Aw, thanks.
Susan & Mark ... Married June 14, 2008 ... Chicago Area
James Tomasz born 1-5-10
Grace Dorothy born 7-13-11
PROJECT BALANCING ACT: BIO and BLOG- yeah... needs to be updated.