I know your supposed to take tylonol first, and motrin 2nd, but I have such a food headache (could be caffine withdrawl too...) I went to cheesecake factory for lunch and ate way too much and now I have a headache. But all I have is extra strengh tylonol and motrin 800mg. I went to the store and they are remodeling and only had extra strengh and I refuse to run all over town for asprin
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Re: what would you take?
I thought you weren't supposed to take Ibuprofen wasn't okay during pregnancy.
ETA: Do you like the sentence above? Apparently pregnancy has made me forget how to type coherent sentences.
This is what it should have said "I thought you weren't supposed to take Ibuprofen during pregnancy"
We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)

No Ibuprofen! Just extra strength Tylenol.
I have had killer caffeine withdrawals so I took a nap today to get through it. Closing my eyes usually helps.
I've read not to take any kind of NASID, anything like motrin or aleve or advil. That's what is in my handbook of things I can take from my ob's office. They can cause m/c in early pregnancy. Tylenol is the only safe pain reliever listed...and that's from my ob's office.
Hope you feel better!
No Motrin/ibuprofen! No aspirin!
Tylenol and caffeine are your only options, besides a quiet place and sleep.
Susan & Mark ... Married June 14, 2008 ... Chicago Area
James Tomasz born 1-5-10
Grace Dorothy born 7-13-11
PROJECT BALANCING ACT: BIO and BLOG- yeah... needs to be updated.
This, and if you can't sleep, maybe a warm (ish) shower. Sorry you have a headache, hope you feel better soon!
Are you kidding?? did you read my post at ALL???? LOL
BFP #3 via cancelled IUI ~ C (2lb 3oz; HELLP) 5/16/11
BFP #4 via the natural (free!) way ~ E (8lb 11oz) 9/13/12