July 2011 Moms

Excited but a bit confused

Hi everyone, newbie here! 

I look a pregnancy test Nov 5th- two lines indeed! :)  So I had my first doctors appointment on weds (nov 10th).  Unfortunetly, with this pregnancy I have NO idea when my LMC (or is it LMP) was.  (with my first, who's now 20 months, I knew not only the LMP but also the date of conception lol).  So yesterday we had our first U/S to help determine how far along and a due date.  I was positive I was at least 8 weeks (I con't remember having a period in Oct but thought I possibly had one beginning of Sept).  Well, surprise!  I'm only 4 weeks! 

The u/s tech said there was yolk but of course no heatbeat yet and said there was no due date as of now since it's not yet considered a 'viable pregnancy'?  What does this mean? 

 Since I still can't recall a LMP (LMC) in October can I use the fact that I'm showing at 4 weeks to help with a due date (and just for my sanity a last period, I'm shocked I can't remember).  If the u/s shows about 4 weeks what does that mean as far as due date, LMP etc?  Thanks in advance! 

Re: Excited but a bit confused

  • Welcome and congrats!  I was 4 wks 1 day on Nov 10, and my EDD is July 19, so if you were 4 wks Nov 10, then your EDD is most likely around July 20.  HTH!
  • Congrats!!!!!!
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  • Betas?  This is my second pregnacy and I'm not sure what that is! lol  I think that they don't consider it a viable pregnancy until there's a heartbeat or maybe just because it's so early.  My doc called to follow up and left a message saying it all looked good- it's just early on and I'll have another u/s the week after Thanksgiving.  That helped easy my worry a bit.
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