Hi ladies!
I'm cautiously joining you from the TTGP board and I am so happy to be here! My DH and I just got our BFP yesterday and I have been on cloud nine ever since. I'm 30 and MH turns 30 in a few months, and this is our first baby. We've been married since July 2006 and we think it's fitting that we started our married life together in July and now we'll be starting our lives as parents in July as well.
My EDD is July 20th and I'm excited to get to know you ladies over the next nine months!
Re: New Firecracker Mommy!
~Declare it..Claim it..It will be!!~
Here We Go Again!!
I saw your post this morning on TTGP... I'm so freaking excited for you! I chart stalked you yesterday and I knew you were one to be watched!!
Congrats x 1000!
Yay for July babies!
PGAL/PAL welcome

BFP #2 9.12.12, EDD 5.24.13, Baby Boy Born 5.15.13!!
My Ovulation Chart
3 Clomid (100mg) cycles + TI + Trigger = BFN's, Femara + Trigger + IUI#1 = BFN
Femara + Trigger + IUI#2 = BFP!
"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." ~Gandhi
Thanks cburitz! Your post yesterday questioning my resolve not to test was the reason I POAS in the first place!
Thanks for the welcome, ladies!