July 2011 Moms

To celebrate being 5 weeks pregnant

I took my last digi, and for the first time got a BFP!!!!! Up until now all the other digis said "Not Pregnant" :(. I stopped testing last Sunday morning, (after taking 10 tests of varying types in 4 days) but still had one test left. I decided to go ahead and POAS for old time sake, and to see what would happen. Lo and behold, my first "Pregnant" digi test!

I know it's silly, considering there was no question as to whether or not I'm preg, I just wanted to have this for posterity. Plus, I really wanted to know what it felt like to have those words show up. I've taken 3 before and despite getting +'s on line tests, I kept getting -'s on the digitals. 

I took a picture to put in my journal to baby and will write to him/her about what a blessing it is to be only 35 weeks away from meeting them!  Just thought I'd share!

BFP 11/2/10! First Dr's appt 11/30/10, shows Blighted Ovum measuring~ 5.9w @ 7w5d Natural Miscarraige 12/10/10 TTA unitl Feb, waiting BARE minimum before hopping back in the saddle So ready to try again, but I will never forget my first baby. BFP#2 02/06/11!!!! *stick baby, stick!* Team Green turn Team PINK 10/09/11 BFP #3 02/23/13...SURPRISE! Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

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