July 2011 Moms

Follow up to questions and advice post...

Hi Ladies,

I posted earlier in the week that my doctor was concerned because my first Beta came back on the low side.  I had another one done today and it went from 24 to 293.  The nurse that called me from the Drs.office said that he was pleased with that number, but wanted me to do one more test next Wednesday just to be sure.  Is this normal?  I am elated that it increased, but can't help but feel the stress of waiting for another test.  Anyone else have a similar experience?

~*~Khloe Catherine Born 7/29/11 ~*~

Re: Follow up to questions and advice post...

  • were your first 2 done two days apart? thats a really good increase. i think they want to do another one just because it's still low, which isnt bad, it just means you're early in your pregnancy and they want to see it rise.
  • It isn't uncommon to do three.. and it sure wouldn't hurt anything to double check.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker *First RE visit 5/10 *B/W & SA Normal! 6/10 *Laprascopy - Removed septum and cyst 7/10 *50 mg Clomid 8/21 +Trigger 9/1 = BFN *50 mg Clomid 9/17 = No response *100 mg Clomid 9/29 + Trigger 10/8= BFP!! *Beta 1= 297 *Beta 2= 612! *It's a Boy! EDD July 4th 2011 *Surprise!! Natural BFP! Beta 1=306, Beta 2= 1100! EDD Aug 18th 2012! IT's a BOY!
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  • imagex0stephanie:
    were your first 2 done two days apart? thats a really good increase. i think they want to do another one just because it's still low, which isnt bad, it just means you're early in your pregnancy and they want to see it rise.


    My first one was done on Friday (11/6) and the second one was done today.  I think that he had me wait because I was only 3 weeks and 5 days when the first one was done. 

    ~*~Khloe Catherine Born 7/29/11 ~*~
  • At about 4 weeks, my beta was at 87 and then three days later it was 340--a week after that it was over 6K!  Anything from 5 on is considered pregnant at 4 weeks. Be happy that it increased so much and try not to stress too much (trust me, I know how hard that is!).
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I also have had 3 and all 3 times they increased significantly so I'm sure it's just a double check.  Don't worry yourself :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thanks for your advice/experiences ladies!
    ~*~Khloe Catherine Born 7/29/11 ~*~
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