My fever is back for a 4th day now. Morning sickness is still going strong all day, and even thinking of eating / drinking makes me dry heave.
I feel like bawling like a little baby right now. I don't know what's wrong with me.
I have an appointment soon with the OB nurse to check my vitals and urine. I'm probably going to get IV fluids at the office.
Re: Waiting and worried.
Sorry you are not feeling well. Hopefully they can get the fever under control and get you some extra fluids.
Get better!!
They think its the flu
I don't get it, isn't the flu shot supposed to protect you from getting it?
If not then that was a complete waste.
I wasn't dehydrated enough to get IV fluids, and my fever went up too.. blah.
I did get some meds for m/s though.