July 2011 Moms

Baby radar

Apparently, one of my co-workers (I think she's about 50 or so) has a very sensitive baby radar. Yesterday morning, I was fighting the m/s feelings, and she asked me if I was feeling okay. No one else has said anything, and I don't usually have trouble looking happy and normal (in fact, people almost never notice when there's something wrong with me because I usually look so happy), so I asked her if I looked sick. She said, "I was wondering if maybe you're pregnant and you're having the morning sickness." That pretty much blew me away. And since I can't keep a straight face, I just told her. :)  

Has anyone else run into other people with ultra-sensitive baby radar?


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Re: Baby radar

  • Yesterday I walked into work in the AM, and the older lady that I sit by said "So when's the baby due?" I did this Indifferent for a minute while thinking "How could she know?  I just got my BFP Monday, and I haven't told anyone except DH!"  So then I said "What baby?" and blew it off.  It was just so bizarre!  When I officially announce it I'm going to have to ask her about this... haha
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  • How wierd! I havent run into this yet. But I feel like everyone is staring at my belly and are just waiting to ask.

    Maybe it is just me, but my clothes (esp, my workout clothes) seem to show off my baby bump that I dont really have yet. I am going to buy some looser shirts today.

    BFP #1- 11/7/10 ~EDD 7/20/11 ~M/C (bo) 12/6/10 @ 8wks ~Missing my Little Firework

    BFP #2- 9/11/11 ~EDD 5/25/12 ~M/C (mmc10w)11/4/11 @ 11wks ~Missing my May Flower

    BFP #3- 02/21/12 ~EDD 11/1/12  Audrey Lee Born 11/4/2012

    BFP #4 ~EDD 6/20/14 stick baby stick!

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  • I think older women just have it! they just know.


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