July 2011 Moms

Joining you!

Hi July mommies!

After a 57 day cycle where I didn't ovulate until day 45, I took a test and learned that I am pregnant.  We've been trying for a few months, but because of the weird cycle I thought I was out of the game for the month.

So far, so good...some cramping initially, much bloating, and crazy boob growth (up 2 sizes!).  We just had our first appointment yesterday, which included a vaginal ultrasound since my cycles were wonky and Dr. had to date the pregnancy (6 weeks and due on July 5).  DH was there and we just about lost it when we saw our little blob on the screen and the little flicker of the heartbeat.  This is our first and we couldn't be more in awe of this incredible miracle, and appropriately terrified at the prospect of being parentsSmile

Looking forward to getting to know everyone over the next few months!

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