May 2011 Moms

13 week appt went well

we heard the hearbeat right away, so that was great! dr. wasn't thrilled that i've lost 3lbs since last appt, but wasn't too concerned...she just wants me to really try and eat 6 snack type meals a day.  I've also been miserable with a cold/cough/sore throat, so she gave me a list of stuff i could take for those symptoms.  I was just happy i could keep my pants on and didn't have blood work this time!


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Re: 13 week appt went well

  • I just loved hearing the LO heartbeat. 
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  • great news!
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  • I had mine today too!  It feels so good to hear that HB.  :)  Congrats and eat up!
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Yay for a good apt! 

    Married in 2/2006, TTC since 3/09 with Endo stage 4(DX 1999) and PCO (DX 2010), DEC, LAP and 2 rounds of Depo Lupron

    • 2/10: IUI #1: Clomid 100mg= BFN
    • 3/10- 5/10: IUI #2 Clomid 150mg; IUI #2.2: gonalf, lupron; IUI #2.3: 2 rounds of 5mg Femara=All cancelled for nonresponse
    • 6/10 -IUI#2.4: gonalf, ganirelix, estrace, ovidrel, endometrium- early M/C
    • 8/10- IUI #3: gonalf, ganirelix, ovidrel, estrace, endometrium, lovenox, hcg boosters= BFP;  Beta#1=179, Beta#2= 360, Beta#3=1775; 1 perfect little HB!

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

    Surprise BFP 2/13!B- M/C 7w 4D, D+C 3/13

    Surprise BFP 6/13! - Blighted Ovum found at 7w, D+C 6/28

    Surprise BFP 8/13!- Hopefully third time is the charm!

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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