Hi July Moms, I am moving over form the June Board...
I got my BFP on 10/11 and thought I was about 8 weeks along now. Today I had an early u/s and I was only measuring at 6 weeks. Everything looked great with a fetal pole and heartbeat beginning, but I don't understand how I could only be 6 weeks!?
So I guess my question is, those of you who have an EDD around July 6 (my new EDD), when did you get your BFP? How off am I? I know I should be ecstatic I saw my baby (and I am!) but I can't help but worry. TIA!
Re: BFP and EDD Question
My EDD is 7/4. I got my BFP On 10/29, but I was 19DPO when I took my preg test. This goes by my LMP on 9/28.
When was your LMP? Do you chart? 10/11 seems really early in to take a test to only be 6wks along. 10/11 would be almost equivalent to where I ovulated.
However, if the doctors are saying that everything looks good, I would go with that to put your mind at ease.
Were you charting? Your ovulation date is what really matters not your BFP date. Some girls get their BFP at 11dpo -- others like me 16-18dpo.
Regardless - welcome to the July board!! The little girl in my siggy was born on July 6th! Great due date!
We just started TTC in Sept. and I wasn't charting. I have long/irregular cycles and I took the tests about 6 weeks after my LMP. I know my cycles are wacky and I am not as concerned about that, more that I had a BFP on 10/11 and am now (11/10) only measuring 6 weeks. I know its off, but don't understand whyor what that means?! I just hope this baby grows and grows! Thanks for your help and advice!