Cloth Diapering

Lil' Joey's & prefold/cover ?'s

How long did your LO's fit in the Lil' Joey's (I know every baby is different, I'm just trying to get an idea)? I was planning on getting a couple dozen prefolds and some covers but thought that a few Lil' Joey's would be a good idea to help DH gain some confidence with cd (he's willing, just unsure). We also plan to have more LO's so we'd save them for the next one. Thoughts?


Also, when changing prefolds, do you just wipe off the inside of cover and re-use or change the cover as well (assuming it's not too messy)?

Re: Lil' Joey's & prefold/cover ?'s

  • DD was 8lbs8oz at birth and was in Lil' Joeys for maybe eight weeks.  We had repelling problems (even after stripping) by six weeks, so we barely used them after that.

    I usually rotate between two covers during the day (one is on and one is airing out) unless it gets poop on it.  If a cover has been going for a day to a day and a half, I'll toss it in the laundry.  I was every other day.


    TTC since 11/05...ectopic pg 4/08...early m/c 6/09...BFP 10/5/09!
    Nora B...June 15, 2010...8lbs, 8oz...Med-free birth!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    TTC #2 since 7/11...cycle #3 of Clomid + IUI = BFP
    Malcolm...September 21, 2012...8lbs, 6oz...Another med-free birth!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • I loved the Lil Joeys and used them till 6weeks. She was 7lb8oz at birth. NO problems whatsoever with them.They were my favorite diaper till she grew out of them. Now I love RARs, prefolds, and thirsties fitteds best.

    For the covers and prefolds, yes, I just wipe them. We have 3 covers and 20 prefolds and 3 is more than enough. 

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