July 2011 Moms

Implantation bleeding????

I am a little over 4 weeks pregnant and last night I had a little tan colored/peachy blood when I wiped. It happened only once and then it was back to normal. Anyone else have this happen? What did your doctor say?

 I am calling my doctor today to make my first appt, but I was curious. 

Re: Implantation bleeding????

  • I believe in the 4th week implantation bleeding can occur. When you call your doctor to make the appt, mention that you had a little bit of bleeding yesterday and see what they say. They may have you come in sooner rather than later.
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  • Somebody else mentioned this about a week or two ago, and quite a few girls said that they had it too and that their doctor said it was normal.  It wouldn't hurt to ask when you call though. 

    Good luck! :)

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