So far this morning I"ve had a packet of instant oatmeal (so I didn't vomit before work). Then on the way to work I had a bagel w/ cream cheese. Had to sing and listen to the radio on the way in so I didn't vomit. At work, I've had crackers and an apple so far (i've been here for an hour and a half). I'm so hungry... and sooooo tired.... and every time I eat I don't feel the m/s. But every time I stop, my stomach starts to churn.
Re: Help! I can't stop eating!!!
I think the best we can do is keep things healthy. But I do not want vegetables. And I can only eat so much fruit. I brought a bag of trail mix with me today because someone mentioned it yesterday and it stuck in my mind. I just ate half of it. Ugh... and i've just finished a 32oz bottle of water w/ lemon. I can't tell if I'm eating because I'm so exhausted or if I'm eating because I'm holding off m/s or if I'm eating because I'm actually starving.
After 3 failed Clomid+TI cycles, DD was conceived with IUI#1
TTC #2
Clomid 50 mg + IUI#1 = BFP, m/c and D&C at 7w1d
Clomid 50mg + IUI#2 = BFN
Clomid 100mg + IUI#3 = BFN
Lupron + Follistim + IVF#1 = 11ER, 10M, 10F, ET of 1 expanded BBA 5-day blast, 2 Frosties. BFP! Beta 10/13 = 264! Beta 10/15 = 702! EDD 6/21/14
I can't stop eating either!
BTW- Are you taking a lot of B-6 for your nausea? I've got 15mg (600%) in my multivitamin, seems to work for me.
Mine has 10mg (400%) of b-6 in it. It's not working.