July 2011 Moms

Had my 1st appt today!

My 1st appt today was great! I absolutely love my Dr! Before the exam he sat us down and asked if we had any questions, what my symptoms were, and gave me tips to help with nausea. He said to take a vitamin B supplement twice a day and 1/2 a unisom at night. I got an ultrasound and we saw the heartbeat. The only bad part was when I went to have my blood drawn I was expecting DH to be able to be there with me because I am terrified of needles but the nurse made him wait outside. I panicked and actually cried, I blame the hormones.
BabyFetus Ticker

Re: Had my 1st appt today!

  • Sounds like a good appt, weird they wouldnt let him watch though.
    What is the unisom?? I've never heard of it 

  • it's actually a sleep aid. I don't know why she wouldn't let him in, but I was too surprised to protest.
    BabyFetus Ticker
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  • I'm glad the appointment went well and that you love your doctor.  That's great!

    So weird that they wouldn't let your dh stay in the room for the blood draw...strange.   

  • Congrats! Im also terrified of needles, and they wouldnt let DH be in the room when they drew blood when i was pg for DD either. I still hate needles but im much better than i was lol.
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