My boxer Jake has been super clingy the last 5 days. He is wanting to lay RIGHT next to me or on top of me. He lays his head on my belly whenever I let him.
Is anyone else's dog acting funny since you found out you were pregnant? I know they sense certain things, but pregnancy??
Re: my dog
I've noticed my dog is underfoot a lot more, and he is a large dog, so it's pretty annoying. He is also barking at anything that walks by. Don't know what that's about.
My friend recently had a baby and her cat was usually scared to death of people. It has done a 180 since the baby and is constantly trying to jump in people's laps.
My little firecracker. Born on her due date,7/4/11
hysterical... both my dogs have been all over laying on my belly the last week or so... Baxter, the shih tzu in sig, normally starts on the bed then goes to his bed on the floor to sleep... he's slept at my feet every night the last week. And gets extra upset when I'm leaving the house...
I def think they can sense the hormone shift.. maybe doesn't know there is a baby, but can smell new phermones (fermones? sp) from all the new hormones being pumped around...
BFP#1 11.2.10 | EDD 7.9.11 | HB 7w2d & 8w4d | missed M/C 11w2d | D&E 12.21.10
FSH at 14.5 - 4.21.11 | CCCT - (CD3 8.8,CD10 12.2)| dx w/ DOR @ 28 yrs old
IUI#1 + clomid 8.29.11 (our anniversary)
BFP#2 9.10.11 | EDD 5.21.12 | beta 1 @ 14dpi:232 | beta 2 @17dpi:703 | beta 3 @24dpi:7,174
Baby A HB of 142(7w), 161(8w), 164(9w) | Baby B no HB, Vanishing Twin
Maybe they do smell it. I thought I was imagining it but the DH even said something the other day about it.
Jake is my baby, so it will be interesting to see how he handles everything. [&]
Thanks I actually have 2 schnauzers... Maggie is getting groomed tomorrow so hopefully I will get a good picture of her also. They are crazy, funny dogs and keep DH and I entertained.
I posted about this last week
My basset hound is super clingy lately, more so when I first got KU. I think he knew before I POAS. It's my second pg so he's been down this road before. I can't take him for walks now, especially with my daughter, because he barks nonstop at anything and everything that moves. Super protective, all 45lbs and stumpy legs of him.
DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007
Mine usually ignores me (unless I have food) and is all over DH. It's been almost a complete turn-around since I found out I'm PG. He follows me everywhere, always wants to be up on my lap, and has a new nuzzling thing where he sticks his nose in my face and hair. He was always a weird little dog but has been acting especially strange lately.
I totally believe in dogs being able to sense all kinds of things... I love watching the documentary about cancer "detecting" dogs. They're such amazing animals.