I fancy myself a coordinated person, and a good cook, really. But in trying to cook dinner tonight, I spilled boiling water - on me, showered the dog in egg noodles, stir fried in corn syrup rather than vegetable oil, dropped a fork in the oven, put an egg into a closed refrigerator,
.... and then cried about it on the way to Bojangles.
Re: New symptom...clumsy and uncoordinated
Yup, was unloading the dishwasher Sunday night, dropped a bowl on my foot, which didn't hurt that much, and literally fell to the floor sobbing. Not only clumsy, but an emotional basketcase!
I also dropped and broke our blender (the pitcher part only) last week and left my blackberry on top of my car (twice) this week. I am usually very graceful and organized!