HI everyone, I have my first ultrasound on Monday 11/15. I'm excited, anxious and a bit nervous because I've had 4 miscarriages, and I've been through ultrasounds that should show something but show nothing. I'm officially 6 weeks and that is a good sign. I continue to have symptoms (sore breasts, fall asleep super easy, increased appetite, bloating, uterine aches and just NOW feeling a bit iffy like I might start to experience morning sickness, but have not felt it as of yet- just a bit of a dizzy feeling). I had my levels check at 4 weeks 4 days and I was 500, then three days later I was at 1800 - again a good sign. So I should really have nothing to worry about, and am attempting to stay positive. For as many babies are are born all the time folks who are not TRYING to get pregnant don't realize all the things that can go wrong. And because I'm not under 35, I also have to worry about something going wrong because of age. *sigh* It feels like, despite all attempts to stay positive you go from one "what if" to the next, and all you can really do is "wait and see". For a control freak, that is so hard to do! So I'm putting it in God's hands and if it's meant to be its meant to be. *breathing*
Re: First UltraSound Hopeful
Sending positive and peaceful thoughts your way!
BFP 10/25/10 Brynn Helen born 7/7/11
It's all we really can do! Less than a week now until you have a positive ultrasound experience! There's a first time for everything.