I am positive that I am pregnant, and that things are moving along good. I am also positive about doing what I need to do to make this a healthy pregnancy.
I am positive that not obsessing and compulsive pregnancy testing has helped me to relax and not stress as much about this pregnancy. I am positive that I have done everything I can to ensure a happy and healthy baby. I am positive that I will survive the wait for my first ultra sound and that everything is going to come out just as it should - with a nice image of a heartbeat. I am positive that God's plan is the right one and I'm just going to follow his plan and do my best to leave it in his hands and not try to control everything. (spoken like a true control freak!)
I am positive that next week I will cry at my ultrasound, which will be an amazing experience and a great huge breath of relief to see my baby.
Me too! I was just telling hubby today that I will have my eyes closed during the u/s and he'll squeeze my hand if everything looks okay. I'm positive that this time I will have happy tears!
LOVE THIS! Great idea. My positive thought for today is that even though I was feeling grody (I know that's a negative, bear with me) that I was able to finish all my work today, duck out at four, and not feel bad about it. And now that I'm home and I've been able to lay down and rest I feel way better.
I'll try and think of my next positive that has no negatives in it :-) I complain but I'm thankful for every symptom that means there's a baby growing!
Re: What's your positive for today (going off the let's stay positive post)
Me too! I was just telling hubby today that I will have my eyes closed during the u/s and he'll squeeze my hand if everything looks okay. I'm positive that this time I will have happy tears!
LOVE THIS! Great idea. My positive thought for today is that even though I was feeling grody (I know that's a negative, bear with me) that I was able to finish all my work today, duck out at four, and not feel bad about it. And now that I'm home and I've been able to lay down and rest I feel way better.
I'll try and think of my next positive that has no negatives in it :-) I complain but I'm thankful for every symptom that means there's a baby growing!