So our 1st appointment is on the 16th. And I'm freaking out. Its an appointment to conform the pg. It sounds like a rip off. It's our 1st pg. And I am worried that something may not be right. I'm 6 or 7 wks now I don't know since DH and I have been ttc for about 7 months and in Sept we stopped charting (basically we gave up) So it was a HUGE surprise to find out we r pg.
I guess I'm just worrying too much. And just wanted to vent.
Re: 1st appointment freaking out
Hi dear, why are your freaking out? Because you think something's wrong or you don't know how far along you are?
Most initial appointments confirm pregnancy.
First of all breathe honey it is gonna be OK! I am a couple days behind you and my first appt is on the 18th. At this first appt they are going to first have you pee on a stick, if + then you get to pass go to bloodwork. They have you wait til 7-8 weeks so the heartbeat is able to be seen on the U/S. At my doctor appt they have assured me I will be getting an U/S to 1 confirm the pregnancy and 2 to do the dating. Enough thou I charted and know I Oed late til this is done they go off LMP.
It will be ok. I know it does not help to see people dropping off the board and having to sit here with the unknown but some woman have to wait till week 9-10 for the first appt.
Congrats though! Thats awesome! Vent away...
Each doctor's office is different. My first appointment was just bloodwork, family history, billing, & scheduling other appointments. Pretty uneventful, and I didn't learn anything I didn't already know from my pee stick.
I wanted them to tell me that everything was perfect and I shouldn't worry. They didn't, but truthfully, I wouldve worried anyways... and I think its normal for us to be a bit freaked out from time to time.
Thank you! I know that the freaking out is customary, but I figured there had to be something more.
Miscarriages are scary, natural and unfortunately you either fall on one side of the statistic or the other, so there are very few comforts.
Just like the pp wrote to be positive, just maintain "Today I am pregnant and I love my baby."
Hopefully they'll set up an ultrasound or the next appointment to hear the heartbeat really soon!
Try to stay positive, like the other girls said - it's all out of your hands right now!
Don't think of the first appointment as a rip off - I had mine today and I was thrilled to pieces to have my OB tell me I was pregnant and congratulations. There's something awesome about hearing it from someone with a MD behind their name.. like its more official