July 2011 Moms

Would love to join you ladies

Hi ladies!  I got my official BFP yesterday.  I had a m/c in July at 8wks and was completely devastated by it.  We've been trying since we got the go ahead after wards.  I am not an official charter but count days and check CM and whatnot.  I was having a longer than normal cycle this month and still getting negatives on HPT's.  I called the dr. last Thursday and they sent me in for beta testing.  The results came back at a 4...just shy of a positive.  They repeated the test yesterday and the results came back at 49.  I'm not exactly sure how far along I am at this point.  They will repeat my betas next week. 

To say I am thrilled would be an understatement.  I am feeling light headed and nauseated and I am just relishing the feeling because I didn't feel that last time and I am hoping it is a good sign.

I'm so happy to see so many of my TTCAL ladies over here.  I hope we all get to stay and play and complain about being miserably hot come next summer.  

Re: Would love to join you ladies

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