July 2011 Moms

What are you going to have trouble giving up?

First of all, thanks Shelly for talking about undoing pants, I feel MUCH better now! LOL

So, I was sitting here at my desk thinking about how I feel, and just realized it's been 2 weeks since I've had coffee. Not that I'm a real coffee drinker, it's just that at work I'll probably have 3-5 cups in a work week.

Then, that got me thinking, I used to smoke, for about 3 yrs? About 2 a day, unless I was drinking, then it was like a million. My last cig was last Monday (as in before implantiation) when I felt like there could be a chance I was KU. I haven't had one since, but strangly haven't wanted one, like I didn't even notice how much time has gone by. I'm so glad it was so easy!

Now I'm wondering what I am going to have trouble giving up. I'm thinking cold cuts and cheese. Blue cheese and feta are two of my FAVS and I am already mourning them. I'm also going to miss honey :(. So far so good on alcohol, I haven't really wanted anything, but I'm scared that it's the newness of being pregnant, and that once I get used to this, I may crave a beer or wine or something.

So what is it for you? Roller Coasters? Splenda? Advil? Sushi?.....


BFP 11/2/10! First Dr's appt 11/30/10, shows Blighted Ovum measuring~ 5.9w @ 7w5d Natural Miscarraige 12/10/10 TTA unitl Feb, waiting BARE minimum before hopping back in the saddle So ready to try again, but I will never forget my first baby. BFP#2 02/06/11!!!! *stick baby, stick!* Team Green turn Team PINK 10/09/11 BFP #3 02/23/13...SURPRISE! Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Re: What are you going to have trouble giving up?

  • Wait, we cant have honey?

    BFP #1- 11/7/10 ~EDD 7/20/11 ~M/C (bo) 12/6/10 @ 8wks ~Missing my Little Firework

    BFP #2- 9/11/11 ~EDD 5/25/12 ~M/C (mmc10w)11/4/11 @ 11wks ~Missing my May Flower

    BFP #3- 02/21/12 ~EDD 11/1/12  Audrey Lee Born 11/4/2012

    BFP #4 ~EDD 6/20/14 stick baby stick!

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  • I'm missing wine, I wasn't an every night drinker but there are some meals it just complements. 

    I didn't give up coffee, last OB was pretty conservative and told me 1 cup/day was fine.  If I try to give it up I get headaches, so I just limit to one cup.  I don't drink any pop with caffiene.

    I'll miss the soft cheeses too, though most are pasteurized now.  Should be fine as long as you read the labels (if you're cooking with them).

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    DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007


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  • Artificial sweeteners for sure... I know some are considered safe but I am gonna try to go without.  Figure it's not a bad lifestyle change anyways. 


    We can't ride on rollercoasters?  Interesting...

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  • imageBarooGirl:
    Wait, we cant have honey?

    This and wait, we can't have splenda? not like i have been overdoing it but i have been having 1 a day with my tea.  Sleeping on my stomach is going to be the hardest thing to give up.  Hot dogs and coldcuts. 


    Jpeazy i just ate lunch and may have to undo the zipper.lol

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  • Wine.  I love wine.

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  • imageBarooGirl:
    Wait, we cant have honey?

    crap I missed that too then... i've been eating greek yogurt with honey and granola,hmm...

    I'm going to miss soft cheeses, sushi, and my friday night glass of wine.  (obv not terribly and haven't missed any yet, but at some point)

    BFP#1 11.2.10 | EDD 7.9.11 | HB 7w2d & 8w4d | missed M/C 11w2d | D&E 12.21.10
    FSH at 14.5 - 4.21.11 | CCCT - (CD3 8.8,CD10 12.2)| dx w/ DOR @ 28 yrs old
    IUI#1 + clomid 8.29.11 (our anniversary)
    BFP#2 9.10.11 | EDD 5.21.12 | beta 1 @ 14dpi:232 | beta 2 @17dpi:703 | beta 3 @24dpi:7,174
    Baby A HB of 142(7w), 161(8w), 164(9w) | Baby B no HB, Vanishing Twin
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  • imagembritto4:

    I'll miss the soft cheeses too, though most are pasteurized now.  Should be fine as long as you read the labels (if you're cooking with them).

    I wish :(. My favorite recipe that involves blue cheese is the one where I cut a piece and eat it! LOL.

    I'll look and see if there are any brands I like that are pasteurized, and I once I'm in my second tri, I fully plan on indulging in local goat cheese. It's made locally and on a small scale, so I'm not worried about bacteria in that.

    BFP 11/2/10! First Dr's appt 11/30/10, shows Blighted Ovum measuring~ 5.9w @ 7w5d Natural Miscarraige 12/10/10 TTA unitl Feb, waiting BARE minimum before hopping back in the saddle So ready to try again, but I will never forget my first baby. BFP#2 02/06/11!!!! *stick baby, stick!* Team Green turn Team PINK 10/09/11 BFP #3 02/23/13...SURPRISE! Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • BFP 11/2/10! First Dr's appt 11/30/10, shows Blighted Ovum measuring~ 5.9w @ 7w5d Natural Miscarraige 12/10/10 TTA unitl Feb, waiting BARE minimum before hopping back in the saddle So ready to try again, but I will never forget my first baby. BFP#2 02/06/11!!!! *stick baby, stick!* Team Green turn Team PINK 10/09/11 BFP #3 02/23/13...SURPRISE! Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imagejpeazybreezy:

    seems like its a bigger deal for infants who can't digest/fight off bacteria in their digestive tracts unlike adults... seems like one of those things to a) ask your doctor and b) do what you feel is right for you... like painting your nails, etc...

    BFP#1 11.2.10 | EDD 7.9.11 | HB 7w2d & 8w4d | missed M/C 11w2d | D&E 12.21.10
    FSH at 14.5 - 4.21.11 | CCCT - (CD3 8.8,CD10 12.2)| dx w/ DOR @ 28 yrs old
    IUI#1 + clomid 8.29.11 (our anniversary)
    BFP#2 9.10.11 | EDD 5.21.12 | beta 1 @ 14dpi:232 | beta 2 @17dpi:703 | beta 3 @24dpi:7,174
    Baby A HB of 142(7w), 161(8w), 164(9w) | Baby B no HB, Vanishing Twin
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  • i'm w/ the wine ladies. The other day i just wanted to down a bottle of wine and i didn't drink it much before but would if we went out to dinner or just a glass here and there on a weekend night after putting my DS to bed.  But then again, i'm kinda glad i can't drink b/c i also quite smoking when i got my BFP 2 weeks ago and i did love a smoke w/ my wine so i guess it all works out. lol..

     i will also miss sleeping on my belly when i get bigger.

    Baby #2 on the way BabyFetus Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageEHayes1183:

    seems like its a bigger deal for infants who can't digest/fight off bacteria in their digestive tracts unlike adults... seems like one of those things to a) ask your doctor and b) do what you feel is right for you... like painting your nails, etc...

    Hmmm, good to know.

    I will have to check it out some more. I love my honey in my greek yogurt every morning.

    BFP #1- 11/7/10 ~EDD 7/20/11 ~M/C (bo) 12/6/10 @ 8wks ~Missing my Little Firework

    BFP #2- 9/11/11 ~EDD 5/25/12 ~M/C (mmc10w)11/4/11 @ 11wks ~Missing my May Flower

    BFP #3- 02/21/12 ~EDD 11/1/12  Audrey Lee Born 11/4/2012

    BFP #4 ~EDD 6/20/14 stick baby stick!

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers

  • I'm missing Wine.  I have to avoid some friends because they keep asking me when we'll get together and sample some more wines.
  • I recently gave up wheat because of some health concerns, not really pregnancy related. It is torture because of the m/s, all I want is bread.  
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  • Nothing, not trying to sound like a saint but my only major bad habit is I'm a chocaholic, and I don't have to give that up. :)
  • So long as your honey, soft cheese, milk or the like are pasteurized they are completely fine.

    The only thing I've been having a hard time with is giving up wine. I find myself looking forward to a glass when I get home only to realize it's a no go.

    I'm still eating deli meat, cooked sushi, coffee and diet pop on the weekends, so I haven't felt like I'm going crazy quite yet.

    Isaac Levi 4/26/09 : BFP#2 - MC 9w : Ezra John 6/26/11 : Miriam Joy 4/12/13 : Naomi Ann 9/2/14

  • I generally miss not ever having to worry if A,B,C are okay to eat/use while pg. It is a big pain having to skim every label and second guess everything. The only specific thing I really miss are Red Bulls...

    Tyler is going to be a big brother!

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  • I'm going to miss beer.  A lot.

     Also, we had planned a trip to Disney/Universal Studios in Dec with the family.  It's going to suck not being able to go on most of the rides.

    DD Born 5.9.12

    MC March 2016@8.5w

    Expecting #2 4/30/17

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  • imageMrs.Leah.Maria:

    I'm still eating deli meat, cooked sushi, coffee and diet pop on the weekends, so I haven't felt like I'm going crazy quite yet.

    I am too.  I'll probably avoid deli meat and the cooked sushi later in 2nd tri/3rd tri when the risk of listeria is higher.  I limit myself to one coffee and one diet pop per day, so I think I'm good there.

    Wine will be hard, DH and I like to cuddle and have movie night on Fridays after DD goes to bed. I guess I will be having tea!

    Married ~ DD 2004 ~ 2 2nd tri losses ~ DS 2011 5 weeks 1 day early ~ DD2 2012
  • In this order: red wine, sushi, goat cheese.


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  • For me, not being able to sleep on my stomach is going to be really difficult.  Luckily, I'm not that far along yet to worry about it now...but I know that day will come!
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  • Caffeine!  Yawn. . . . 
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  • Wine and margaritas!!
  • yeah i thought we coul have honey but the babies can't- am i wrong!?

     i miss LUNCH MEAT!  i love turkey sandwhiches and clubs :( 

     i also miss regular coffee- decaf just doesn't cut it

    image TTA/TTCAL buddies with the great Fab Five (soon to be FFF): Fallon621, Theresa85, lavril, & lauren.cus! purple flower: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • FYI as others have said you do not have to give up soft cheeses like feta. Just look at the label, if it is made from pasturized milk, you can eat it.

     I gave up caffeine and alcohol when I was TTC because my RE advised me too so I am used to that now. I am just so happy to be pregnant that I am glad to give up things.  No joke like literally HAPPY about it.

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  • Wine.  There is an open bottle in the fridge that keeps calling out to me.  :)

    I'm still eating cheese, sushi (though I'll cut back on the raw stuff a bit), lunch meat, etc.  I love my ob!

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  • Well I have a few...cigarettes, laying on my tummy, and my nightly unwind beer (I did buy the NA beer and have had a few, not too bad)  I don't know if this is true or not, but some people say a glass of red wine during pregancy is okay (I mean on a special occasions only), I will ask about that tommorrow!
  • If you are missing beer, Kaliber NA is pretty good.

    All of the NA wine sucks though.  I wouldn't even try it.

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  • WINE. We were not "trying," just "not trying not to" have a baby when I got my positive. I wish I would have known it was going to happen so quickly (second cycle after getting of BCP), because I would have drank the nice bottle we've been saving for a special occasion. Oh well, at least it will age more.
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  • I'm going to miss cheese!!!!! I live in Europe and all the GOOD cheese isn't pasteurized :( I think DH is going to miss wine more than me as he can't drink a whole bottle alone. I will have one glass here and there but only with dh, not friends as I know they will top up the glass regardless because they aren't thinking. (1-2) units every now and then is considered fine.
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  • To the girls who are going to miss wine:

    I was a big wine drinker but stopped cold turkey when I started working with my RE about 7 months ago because of the host of meds I was on. At first I really missed it, but now I'm completely "over" it.

    One thing I do EVERY night is have a Pomegranate - Pellegrino cocktail in a wine glass! It's my special treat to myself and pomegranate (I use 1 tablespoon of pomegranate concentrate) is really good for you. I look forward to it every night, just like I did when I drank wine!

    You could also do grape juice in a wine glass, etc. 

    As for me - I really don't think I'm going to have a problem giving anything up. I like feta cheese and stuff but I can live without it. And I hate deli meats and sushi so that works. 


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    After 2 years, Injects, PCOS diagnosis and 2 IUI's, we were blessed with our beautiful twin girls!
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  • Wine and beer. Although neither sound appealing to me right now, but there are times where it just sounds really good.

    A full cup of coffee is also something I'm missing. Especially because I'm so tired.

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  • imagemkwt:
    Well I have a few...cigarettes, laying on my tummy, and my nightly unwind beer (I did buy the NA beer and have had a few, not too bad)  I don't know if this is true or not, but some people say a glass of red wine during pregancy is okay (I mean on a special occasions only), I will ask about that tommorrow!
    I think the glass of wine thing is 3rd tri only. Your baby is still developing now, by then it's just fattening up.
  • Wine and Blue Moon.. totally worth it though :)
  • Wiiiiiiiiine! And the fact that I can't have it makes me want it even more.

    C'mon 3rd tri! 

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