July 2011 Moms

Work out check in

Soo psyched I got on the treadmill and did a fast walk and some easy jogging and did 3 miles and then did light weights for my arms :) HOpe it isnt hurting anything!  I am just used to working out and feel really gross when I dont!  How are you ladies doing?

Re: Work out check in

  • Way to go!

     I had a tough spin class tonight, felt awesome! 

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  • My usual running routine is on hold a bit - I'm in physical therapy for a hip injury.  They work me pretty hard at PT, though!
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  • i worked out for the first time since bfp on saturday.  did a brisk walk/jog around the neighborhood for 4.3 miles!  hope to keep it up but it's hard to find time with work and a toddler.
  • I took my dog for a 30 min brisk walk around the neighborhood yesterday.  I was amazed at how easy it was to get winded!  I feel so out of shape, but my Dr assured me it just b/c my heart is working harder all the time now. 

    I am thinking of trying out a prenatal yoga class tonight.

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  • Proud of myself b/c I walked a lot on Sunday and a good bit yesterday! Motivation? (besides baby?) Went to the mall to do my walking and parked at the wrong end! Great way to get excersize if you have a big mall near by!
    <3 DCRider
    Baby girl due 1/22/14!

  • Going to the gym today after work! Probably going to do the "9 hole walk" on the treadmill. I love it. It takes about 40 minutes at 3.8 mph - which is brisk but comfortable for me. The incline changes every 2 minutes like you are walking the golf course. It keeps me interested.

    GL all!

    Married & TTC #1 since 8/28/10 BFP #1 10/25/10 - EDD 7/5/11 -M/C 11/10/10 BFP #2 12/16/10 - EDD 8/26/11 - BORN 8/10/11 Photobucket Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I usually run about 3-4 times a week about 3 miles each time but this past week I have been so tired that I can barely get the energy to go out and run. I have been going to bed almost every night around 7 and sleeping all night.  This week I am going to really make an effort to get back out there.

  • I've been too sick to do any sort of physical activity. Its really bumming me out big time.
  • I did 4.5 miles this morning, so I'm feeling great. I woke up really tired, so the run really helped me wake up.  I'm hoping to stick with my Tues/Thurs/Sat runs through most of my pregnancy this time!!
    Married ~ DD 2004 ~ 2 2nd tri losses ~ DS 2011 5 weeks 1 day early ~ DD2 2012
  • I've been going to the gym 3-5 times a week for 30-60 minutes on the arc-trainer, but have cut back on the resistance and incline from pre-pregnancy workouts.
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  • I usually do a weighted circuit class on Monday's, it's very challenging but I've been doing it for years. There is a break 40 minutes in and last night I had to leave at that point, there was no way I was going to last another 20 minutes. I feel like I'm being a slacker, I'm hoping it was just that I hadn't eaten enough or something because I'm hoping to try it again next week. I also spin two days a week and haven't had any trouble with that yet. Anyone else having trouble figuring out how far to push themselves?
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  • I am still able to work out too but not as intense as before I was pregnant.  Before I was jogging/walking 7 miles 3-4 days a week and now I am jogging/walking 5 miles (mostly walking, not as much jogging) but it makes me feel good.  Dr. also said that if your used to working out it is fine but if your a newbie to exercising not to do that much and not to get overheated (new to exercise or not).  I'm hoping to be able to exercise all through my pregnancy.  Good luck to you all!
  • imageobnurse1217:

    Soo psyched I got on the treadmill and did a fast walk and some easy jogging and did 3 miles and then did light weights for my arms :) HOpe it isnt hurting anything!  I am just used to working out and feel really gross when I dont!  How are you ladies doing?

    I know how you feel! When I don't work out I just feel super gross.  I've only been doing yoga at home until my first doctor's appointment tomorrow.  I didn't want to risk anything by running.  

  • Heading to the gym now but didn't go yesterday.  Last week I was able to do walk/jog 4x, ranging from 3-5 miles each time.  

    I really want to continue this pace for the whole pregnancy, even if I end up just walking the entire time.   

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  • I skipped crossfit lastnight but will be going today.


    BFP #1- 11/7/10 ~EDD 7/20/11 ~M/C (bo) 12/6/10 @ 8wks ~Missing my Little Firework

    BFP #2- 9/11/11 ~EDD 5/25/12 ~M/C (mmc10w)11/4/11 @ 11wks ~Missing my May Flower

    BFP #3- 02/21/12 ~EDD 11/1/12  Audrey Lee Born 11/4/2012

    BFP #4 ~EDD 6/20/14 stick baby stick!

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers

  • I workout every morning with my younger brother. We routate Jillian Michael DVD's I also try and walk on the treadmill at our gym at work but that doesnt always go as planned.  If I didnt work out in the morning I probably wouldnt because I am pretty tired at night...
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