I'm so blah lately. Im too lazy too cook, but I'm still hungry for good food. I just want to sit at the comp & Bump all the time. Im not really motivated to cook much anymore, which kind of suck since my BF can barley scramble eggs for himself.
Torture when his DD stays over and I feel pressure to have Real Food prepared for her since I know her mother barely does.
Who else is too lazy to cook/ not motivated for much else?
Re: I just want to Bump...
Me! After I get home from work I am too pooped to even think about cooking. Luckily DH usually gets hungry before I get off from work and will fix/buy him something to eat. It takes the pressure off.
Off subject- Is that your DD in your siggy or is that yur BF's DD that you speak of?
Thats his. This belly is my first!
Her and I are very close. I have been in her life since she's an infant.
That is incredibly sweet! You look like you have really bonded with her. That's awesome.
Guilty as charged!
I desperately need to clean, & do laundry and I should probably start cooking again before DH starves. I just can't bring myself to do grocery shopping - the thought of it disgusts me and my indecisive pregnant brain cannot make a decision to save its life, so planning meals went out the window after the BFP. haha.