Hello Everyone,
I have been trying to not stress about this, but it's been bothering me all day! I got my BFP on Friday, 2-4 days before my missed period (my last cycle was screwy, so I am not sure of the exact day). I was SO excited that I called the doctor's office right away to schedule my first appointment. While I was talking to the nurse, I mentioned that I got a BFN 2 days before (I am pretty sure that I tested WAY too early). She said that she wanted to send me for bloodwork just to make sure. I went Friday right after I got off the phone to get it done. They called this morning with my results and says that yes, I was pg, but my numbers were "low". My doctor asked when the date of my last period was, and wants me to repeat the test on Friday to make sure that the numbers are going up. I am now driving myself crazy!!
Is it normal to have low numbers before you miss your expected period? He didn't seem too concerned, but I am! I believe that I ovulated on CD 16 or 17 (if that helps). Any advice/words of wisdom would be appreciated!
Re: Question and Advice
No advice or experience, but I got a BFN (at 10DPO) before my BFP (at 14DPO). I honestly didn't even think to mention it to my doctor.
Good luck to you!
This. I don't know why your Dr would be concerned about a BFN and then a BFP. You probably just tested too early. I got a BFN at 9dpo and a BFP at 11dpo.
I don't think that he was concerned about the BFN, then a BFP...he did the bloodwork to ease my mind. When the results came back he didn't say that he was "concerned", just that he wanted the test repeated. I am pretty sure that my numbers were low because I took the bloodwork before I missed my period. I just can't wait to know!
I got a bFN at 9dpo and bfp at 13 dpo