July 2011 Moms


Hey. I think I remember from a post about prenatal vites from a week ago that you said you take New Chapter's Perfect Prenatal. 

I have been taking it for a little over a year now and I just realized they changed their formula and I don't know how I feel about it.   Just wondering if you've noticed this and your thoughts on it.  Some of the new nutrients seemed kinda high.

Also what do you take for Calcium?  I know this prenatal is low in Calcium (which I like since it binds with Iron) but I have started thinking I should take an additional Cal supplement, but I kind find a high quality one without a ton of Vit D in it.  

Hope you don't mind I am picking your brain on this.  

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Re: ***Babymimi***

  • Honestly, I didn't even notice that their formula was changed. I do not take an additional calcium right now but I was also thinking of adding something low in vitamin D.

    Specifically, what nutrients in the prenatal are you concerned about?

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  • My main concern was with the Vitamin D, it went up to 1000 IU (previously it was 400 IU).  I also don't like the fact they lowered the folate to 600 mg. 

    They really upped some of the B vitamins, I know in a non-pregnant person that wouldn't matter much (since you would just pee out the excess) but I don't know if that is the same with pregnancy.  

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  • I think that the reason a lot of companies are upping their Vitamin D is because most people now (unless you are a farmer) are deficient in Vitamin D because we don't get enough sunlight. I think it is still OK at 1000IU.

    My RE's only concern about my prenatal vitamin was that there was at least 400mcg of folic acid/folate and I eat a lot of dark, leafy greens and drink  a lot of OJ so with 600mcg in the vitamin plus my diet I think its ok also. 

     I do have a concern about the calcium also. I don't really want to change prenatals because these make me feel really good and they are the only multi vitamin I have ever taken that does not bother my stomach. I will probably add a calcium. I am going to do a little research and find a brand that works for me. 

    So my total vitamin regime will be:

    New Chapter Prenatal 

    Nordic Naturals Prenatal DHA

    100mg coenzyme q10

    Let me know if you find a good calcium that works along with the new chapter! 



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  • Yeah you let me know if you find a good Calcium too.  I tried one by Solaray, but it had a lot of magnesium in it and ended up giving me the big D. (sorry tmi)  Embarrassed 

    Also I emailed New Chapter, asking them what prompted the change.  If I hear anything back I'll let you know.  

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