
Got my first RUDE twin comment!

I've heard some terrible ones on here, people are amazing.

 I was at a car show with some family.  The lady sitting next to us said oh you POOR thing, you are going to have 3 kids!  What?!?!??!  My son was concieved with the assistance of fertility drugs after 23 months of trying on our own.  Our twins were concieved after 18 months of trying and the help of an IUI.  I WANTED all of my children and am grateful for every single one of them!  What kind of comment is that to make to a pregnant woman?

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Re: Got my first RUDE twin comment!

  • Some people are terrible, really. Until you have twins, you really don't see/hear *too* many rude comments. But when you do--Urgh!

    My "friend" commented on one of my girls' pictures on Facebook (they were a week or two after they were born):

    "Wow. They look gross! But they'll get cuter, I guess"

    I responded with: 

    "As long as they're cuter than you, I'll be satisfied"

    Then I de-friended her. :)

    It's tough to have a thick skin. I hope it gets better for you! 

  • OMG!  What a horrible thing to say!

    Yeah, I just gave her a dirty look and looked away but the comment just really irritated me.  Her husband was trying to argue with me earlier in that day that I should really "do my reserach".  My cousin was telling him earlier how SHE had IVF twins, another cousin of ours recently had IVF twins and how I'm now preggo with twins after an IUI.  3 sets of twins!  He kept trying to tell me that twins ran in my family and I should do reserach on it.  WHAT?!??!  I told him, they DON'T run in our family, all 3 sets of twins were due to infertility drugs and assitance.  After I explained it 3 times I just walked away.  He kept insisting that twins "run in my family" since 3 of us had them.  Are people really THAT dumb????

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  • Had a lady yesterday after I mentioned this will be our 4th and 5th child, look at me and say "I'm sorry, I can't imagine having that many kids." I just thought to myself I'm one of the lucky women who didn't need fertility drugs or help having kids, and I'm the luckiest woman alive to have 5 wonderful children. Then she went on about how hard it is raising just 2 children..blah..blah. I just know how many women out there who can't have kids and she wants to say sorry to me for having kids. Comments like that aggravate me more than anything.
  • I have boy/girls twins and people are always telling me how "lucky" I am that I got a boy and a girl.  (Granted, I'm pleased with the outcome and it's so fun to see the differences already between boys and girls.)  But they act like it would have been such a waste if it was 2 boys or 2 girls.  What if I had my heart set on a pair of girls or a pair of boys?

    While I was pregnant I had a lady in a store ask if I took fertility drugs to get twins.  I lied and said no, but I took clomid.  Then she asked if I was taking prenatal vitamins.  It seemed like an innocent question so I said yes and she went on a rant about how she thought that there must be some kind of fertility enhancing agent in prenatal vitamins because so many women are getting pregnant with multiples these days.  Seriously?!  I just said, "Ugh huh, I be you're right..." and walked away.  What do you even say to that?

    The other thing I hate is when people say, "Oh, twins.  It's like 2 for the price of 1!"  Have you ever been 9 months pregnant with TWO HUMAN BEINGS INSIDE OF YOU?  Don't tell me it was for the price of one.  It was most certainly for the price of two!  (Can you tell I was a little uncomfortable at the end.  I have so much respect for triplet mamas!)

    I thought the idiotic comments would end once I delivered them, but they really only get worse because at that point you can't hide that it's twins and twins are like a magnet for idiots.  

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  • The 'two for the price of one' has always gotten to me.

     Really?  Have you seen my monthly budget?  Luckily I cloth diaper, all my kid's clothes are consignment, and make my own baby food and EP, otherwise I'd be in the poor house. 

  • imageahava2005:

    The 'two for the price of one' has always gotten to me.

     Really?  Have you seen my monthly budget?  Luckily I cloth diaper, all my kid's clothes are consignment, and make my own baby food and EP, otherwise I'd be in the poor house. 

    Yeah, I think that's pretty dumb since twins are MORE expensive since you can't hand stuff down from one kid to the next. Even at the doctors' visits, I was billed for two ultrasounds at each visit, etc.

    OP, that was really rude! I'm confused though; so you started ttc again immediately after your son was born?

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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