I mean why not right? It's always more fun to have options and variety! I didn't realize Britt&Scott was working on some last night when I was doing the same!
<img src="https://tinyurl.com/24z28b8" width=142>
<img src="https://tinyurl.com/2ewzgv4" width=140>
Re: Let's just have a plethora of badges. :)
TTC#2 since 11.2012 * DS born 7.2011
Tyler is going to be a big brother!
I just copied the beach code to use and it looks like it is a firecracker one. Could you repost the beach code
Thanks again Leah!
Tyler is going to be a big brother!
Silly question though... Can anyone tell me how I would add them?
go to your profile and edit profile
paste the code to your signature
So sorry guys!
<img src="https://tinyurl.com/24z28b8" width=142>
Me too.